AFRALO ICANN 80- Kigali Events

AFRALO ICANN 80- Kigali Events


1) Roundtables  - Monday 10th June 

a) Enhancing Internet Infrastructure in Africa

b) Building a Multilingual Internet: Opportunities and Challenges

2) Networking event (lunch ) - Monday June 10th 3) AFRALO/AfrICANN - Theme (TBC) - Wednesday 12th JuneAFRALO ICANN80 Proposed Sessions and Activities. Google doc  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1joFtU_0Cw_bc6sLkDh1A8ba1vGwwPyMUog9tAjPngng/edit#heading=h.dsuhvn9qxdt2

 Monday, 10 June 2024





Monday June 10

9:00 - 10:15  am

75 mins

AFRALO session 1 :  Roundtable 

"Enhancing Internet Infrastructure in Africa" 

10:15-10:45  amcoffee break coffee break 
10:45 - 12:15  am90 mins 

AFRALO session 2: Roundtable

"Building a Multilingual Internet- Opportunities and Challenges"

12: 15 - 14:35 pm90 mins Lunch/AFRALO Networking - cultural event 

 Wednesday, 12 June 2024





Wednesday 12 June 

13:45- 15:00 pm

75 mins Joint AFRAL0-AFRICANN meeting . Theme (TBD) 
15:30-17:00 pm90 minsAfrica Space - This session will share findings from the Africa Domain Name Industry Study and provide an update on Coalition for Digital Africa (CDA) projects
17:00-18:00 pm60 minsCommunity Networking: CDA Reception
CDA Reception and launch of the Africa Domain Name Industry Study (each Networking Reception has a theme)

AFRALO Sessions in Kigali, ICANN 80