AFRALO Reports 2015
AFRALO Activity Report (August/September 2015)
AFRALO public comments on the proposal of ICG and second report -CCWG -Accountability
In response to public comment, two statements commenting the reports of, both ICG and CCWG groups were submitted to AFRALO members for comment. Both statements were validated following an online consultation. They were then transmitted as a joint comment of AFRALO.
- Statement of AFRALO on the ICG Proposal put for public comment
- Afralo Statement on the CCWG Second Report
AFRALO/AfrICANN Joint meeting of Dublin ICANN 54
As with the previous meetings of ICANN, AFRALO will hold an AFRALO / AfrICANN joint meeting in Dublin to debate an issue or topic of interest in the region. It should be noted that the interest of this tradition is to express the point of view of the African ICANN community on current issues of interest to the ICANN community.
After consultation online, the most relevant theme chosen by the African community is "IANA transition and ICANN accountability - Africa perspective".
A drafting committee will be set up to draft a "joint statement" which will be forwarded for the approval by the two lists AfrICANN and AFRALO. This statement will then be presented to ICANN's attention after its validation in the Dublin meeting.
Regional Community Regional Outreach Pilot Project (CROPP)
The new FY16 rules require that each RALO FY16 propose a strategic outreach plan to be approved by the management of the organization concerned, and published in the wiki page of CROPP-FY16. The strategic outreach plan discussed during the AFRALO monthly meeting of September is summarized by the following points:
Participation in events bringing African stakeholders in ICT,
Encouragement of our members who attend these meetings to be more active, more involved and make the voice of AFRALO and ICANN heard,
Participating in the regional policy development activities, to maintain Internet users informed about ICANN in the African region.
Explain the structure and activities of ICANN, encourage local organizations to the Internet to participate in the development of ICANN's policies and activities, and advance them understanding the issues addressed by ICANN that affect individual Internet users;
AFRALO Activity Report (June/July 2015)
AFRALO comments on the CWG's proposal and on the report of CCWG -Accountability.
AFRALO continued to actively participate in the activities of IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG), Cross-Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG), and Cross-Community Working Group on ICANN Accountability (CCWG).
In response to public comments launched by CWG and CCWG, two statements commenting the reports of the both groups were submitted to AFRALO members for comments. These two statements were validated following an online consultation and transmitted as joint comment of AFRALO.
AFRALO / AfrICANN joint meeting of Buenos Aires
AFRALO held the joint meeting AFRALO / AfrICANN during ICANN53 in Buenos Aires, on the theme "African views on the Proposal of the Governance of Internet unique identifiers". The declaration discussed was a compilation of the two AFRALO contributions on public comment on the proposal of the CWG and the report of the CCWG Accountability.
This statement was transmitted to ICANN Board and the 4 groups (ICG, CWG, CCWG and CRISP). The statement was transferred to the ICG mailing list for their consideration.
ISOC BURUNDI application for accreditation as an ALS
After discussion, only positive opinions have been expressed by AFRALO members regarding the application of the Internet Society’s Burundi chapter. AFRALO advised ALAC to approve the application.
AFRALO Activity Report (April/May 2015)
AFRALO Elections, Selections and Appointments 2015-2017 Term
With the assistance of ICANN staff, AFRALO organized during the month of April and May 2015 elections for Leadership Positions to serve the 2015-2017 term for the following positions:
- AFRALO Representative to the ALAC, Seun Ojedeji
- Chair : Aziz HILALI
- Vice Chair : Mohamed El BASHIR
- Dave Kissoondoyal : AFRALO Delegate to the NomCom
The details on the elections can be found on the wiki page:
AFRALO Participation to Working Groups
AFRALO continued to actively participate in the activities of the following working groups
- IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG),
- Cross-Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG)
- Cross-Community Working Group on ICANN Accountability (CCWG)
Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP)/ Participation of AFRALO in the African Internet Summit 2015
The third edition of the Africa Internet Summit 2015, (AIS’15) was held in Tunis, Tunisia from 24 May to 5 June 2015. The theme of AIS “2015 is beyond the connection : Interconnection for Africa’s development”.
AFRALO has been actively involved with several of its members: Tijani, Seun, Barrack, Janvier, Aziz and others. Be noted that three members of AFRALO participated in this event through the CROPP program.
In addition to a significant number of presentations on behalf of AFRALO, it can be mentioned the participation of AFRALO in ICANN session and the participation in the Panel of the Official Opening of the event as Af*.
Buenos Aires AFRALO/AfrICANN joint meeting
In preparation of the next Buenos Aires ICANN meeting, AFRALO has launched a discussion to decide the theme to be discussed at the AFRALO/AfrICANN joint meeting. The theme will be:
"African views on the Proposal of the Governance of Internet unique identifiers"
AFRALO Activity Report (March 2015)
Cross-Community Working Group on ICANN Accountability (CCWG)
AFRALO participated in the CCWG Accountability meeting held in Istanbul on 23-24 March 2015 that continued discussing the accountability mechanisms which must be in place or committed to before the IANA Stewardship Transition. The meeting made significant progress on the following tracks:
- reinforcement of the ICANN mission and core values
- reinforcement of the existing independent review process
- mechanisms of the community empowerment regarding recalling the board of directors, rejecting the Budget and/or the strategic plan and any board decision that is not in conformity with the ICANN bylaws.
Proposal of AFRALO Workshop at IGF 2015,
AFRALO submitted a proposal for a workshop to the tenth Internet Governance Forum, due to take place in João Pessoa, Brazil, from 10 to 13 November 2015.
New ALS applications
AFRALO received in April tow new ALS applications:
- High Tech Centre for Nigerian Women and Youths, Nigeria
- ISOC Zimbabwe Chapter, ZIMBABWE
Recent and upcoming activities of ALAC
Beran gave an update to the members about the activities of ALAC. She mentioned that focus had been on the accountability track as well as the financial year 2015 budget. Tijani alluded to the presentation made by BERAN
FY16 At-Large Special Budget Requests
Tijani and Aziz informed members that since AFRALO would be holding its general assembly in Marrakech in 2016, there was need to request for a budget to host the meeting. The same case applied to any requests that are to be made by At Large Structures since the new financial year would begin in July.
Cross-Community Working Group on ICANN Accountability (CCWG)
Tijani informed members that the face to face meeting held in Frankfurt was very productive and that the working group had made considerable strides with regard to agreeing on definitions for accountability that had hitherto been contentious.
Cross-Community Working Group (CWG)
Seun briefed members on the progress made by the Cross Community working group.
Members were informed that the next meeting would be to agree on a new timeline for submitting the Cross Community working group proposal. He informed members that the main proposal would be from RFP3 that was internal to ICANN (trust model) and the golden bylaw model and contracting issues. The proposals would then be sent to an independent legal expert for advice
Joint Meeting AFRALO/AfrICANN at ICANN 52 Singapore on Wednesday 11 February 2015
Tijani informed members that he had already circulated the first draft to the drafting team for consideration. The drafting team would communicate with the members through the mailing list once they had completed their work.
In January 2015 AFRALO focused on the following activities:
IANA Transition
AFRALO members received updates from members representing the organization on different working groups discussing the IANA transition. The following updates were given.
Cross-Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG)
Seun updated members on the progress made by the cWG. Members were informed that the working group had made significant progress. Members were informed that On 15 January 2015 the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) Team submitted the Internet number community’s proposal to the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG).
You can find the proposal at::
IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG)
Mohamed El Bashir AFRALO representative to the ICG gave a brief presentation outlining the progress made by the ICG. He reiterated the fact that there was close collaboration with the other working groups discussing various aspects of the transition to avoid duplication.
Cross-Community Working Group on ICANN Accountability (CCWG)
Tijani Ben Jamaa briefed members on the progress made by the ccWG.
Members were informed that the major focus of the ccWG was on accountability and that measures had been taken to ensure that views had been captured from the broader ICANN Community. Tijani also mentioned that a face to face meeting had been planned in Frankfurt to enable members of the working group to come up with draft reports of their activities before ICANN 52 slated for Singapore.
Task force "Outreach for more African representation in ICANN leadership positions
Fatimata informed members that the Strategy for outreach was ready and had been presented to AFRALO members through the mailing list and approved by the AFRALO leadership. Members were also informed that some activities mentioned in the Strategy had already been acted on during the AFRINIC 21 Meeting in Mauritius. Flyers were printed and distributed whereas Aziz and Tijani made presentations through which they invited members to apply for leadership positions in ICANN.
AFRALO operating Principles
Tijani informed members that the working group had completed its work and uploaded the proposals on the Wiki. Members were invited to visit the Wiki and review the output of the working group. Members were also informed that current focus was on performance metrics and that various suggestions had been made which had all been captured on the Wiki. Members were requested to visit the Wiki and post any suggestions they could have.
Joint Meeting AFRALO/AfrICANN at ICANN 52
Members deliberated on the Theme for the joint AFRALO/AFRICANN meeting during the ICANN 52 meeting slated for Singapore in February 2015. Members deliberated whether they should continue deliberating on the IANA transition as had been the case in Los Angeles or whether they should discuss the accountability track as suggested by Tijani. Members agreed to deliberate on the theme on the mailing list after which a drafting team would be constituted made up of volunteers to agree on the theme.
New ALS Applications
ISOC GAMBIA, Gambia: This application was suspended until further advice is received from the Internet Society regarding the Chapter Leadership.
Cameroon League for Development: It was observed that there was need to stop this application since AFRALO leadership had received negative feedback regarding the group’s activities on the ground.
Recent and upcoming activities of ALAC
Tijani briefed members on the progress made by the ALAC as well as the upcoming call in the last week of January.