AFRALO Dakar Events 13.10.11 Chat Transcript

AFRALO Dakar Events 13.10.11 Chat Transcript

  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the AFRALO Dakar Events call on 13 October 2011
  Gisella Gruber-White:Tijani - messagerie pour Fatimata
  Gisella Gruber-White:je suis en mute
  Gisella Gruber-White:ma ligne n'est pas bonne
  Gisella Gruber-White:Fatimata est la!
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:don't forget the other people on the English Channel
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Listed in the Discussion Notes
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Pastor Peters, for example
  Gisella Gruber-White:I mentioned the English channel and Pastor Peters
  Gisella Gruber-White:as well as Olivier and Cheryl
  Gisella Gruber-White:and Mistura
  CLO:ok  thanks
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok thx. This was not transmitted by the interpreter on the English channel
  Heidi Ullrich:Pastor Peters would like to speak
  Tijani:ok, when Fatimata finishes
  CLO:he wishes to correct  some of 'what we heard' in the EN channel
  Tijani:ok cheryl
  Heidi Ullrich:Pastor Peters has a question for Aziz.
  Marilyn Vernon:per Matt, 15 factsheets were submitted, 3 are outstanding
  Heidi Ullrich:A new mailing list has been established to transmit information to all the AFRALO participants: afralo-dakar-events-participants@icann.org
  Heidi Ullrich:Could I speak briefy?
  Gisella Gruber-White:PP dropped - dialling back
  Gisella Gruber-White:PP is back
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Merci Tijani
  CLO:it is a pleasure but we in EN  seem to be limited all to often to Listen mode
  CLO:Yes  received the test message
  Tijani:thanks to those on the english channel