ABSdt 30.03.10 Teleconference
ABSdt 30.03.10 Teleconference
At-Large Board Selection Design Team (ABSdt) Teleconference
Meeting Number: ABS DT/WG/0310/4
Date: 30 March 2010
Time: 13:00 - 14:30 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/absdt2010
Interpretation Available: No
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Who is on the dial-out list for this call
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Alan Greenberg, Carlton Samuels, Evan Leibovitch, Hong Xue, Vanda Scartezini
Apologies: Dave Kissoondoyal, Patrick Vande Walle
Staff: Matthias Langenegger, Gisella Gruber-White
Summary Minutes: ABSdt 30.30.10 Summary Minutes
Action Items: ABSdt 30.03.10 Action Items
Recording: EN
Documents (EN):
In the meeting on 25th March, we completed and approved text of the Operating Principals document, and the Confidential Reference Form. Today we will continue our text approval for Agenda Item 3, Statement of Interest, and then continue the Agenda from matter 5.
1. Review of Action Items from /wiki/spaces/alacdocs/pages/104486840 and 25th March Meeting (Cheryl)
2. BCEC Operating Principles - Approval of text (subject to ICANN Legal advice/review)
3. Statement of Interest - Approval of text (subject to ICANN Legal advice/review)
4. Confidential Reference Form - Approval of text (subject to ICANN Legal advice/review)
5. Items for discussion /decision
> ** should it be an annex of RoP?
> ** would it be an independent document? It does need to be attached/ available for the call for SOI...
- 5.b What additional criteria (objective & subjective) can be used to reduce the number of applicants to 5 or less?
- 5.c Call for SOI
- 5.d Meeting with ABSC; the Activation of the ABSC , Confirmation of commitment of Members participation and agreement to Code of Ethics
- 5.e Review of White Paper and Public Comment period for White Paper
- 5.f Nomenclature / title change of ABSC (current nomenclature under review)
6. Next Meeting(s)
- a) with the BCEC
- b) as ABSdt
- c) Action Items for next meetings