At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee

At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee

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At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) Workspace

  • The BCEC is composed of two representatives from each ICANN region and an independent Chair with voting rights.
  • All BCEC members will need to confirm their willingness and ability to dedicate significant time to the process.
  • The At-Large Board Selection process as set out in the White Paper, including the membership and role of the BCEC (originally the At-Large Board Selection Committee - ABSC), is for the initial appointment process only. The process for subsequent appointments will be subject to review and further community input.

Note from ICANN's General Counsel and Secretary regarding the process of the seating of a voting director from the At-Large Community:

Dear Cheryl,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Prior to the Board approving Bylaws amendments necessary to seat a voting director from the At-Large Community, there is no legal or bylaws-mandated reason that the ALAC and the At-Large Community cannot take steps to prepare for the selection of that director. Of course, final board action would be required to change the ICANN Bylaws, before anyone could be seated on the ICANN Board.
Best regards,

John Jeffrey

General Counsel & Secretary

At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee

  • Find a list of all received candidatures and all publicly available information about the At-Large Director position.

BCEC Membership


Name of Candidate (put forward by RALO):

Nomination Accepted:

Nomination Endorsed by ALAC :

African Regional At Large Organisation (AFRALO)

Yaovi Atohoun


11 March 2010

African Regional At Large Organisation (AFRALO) 

Baudouin Schombe


11 March 2010

Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO)

Fouad Bajwa


16 August 2010*

Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO) 

Raj Singh


11 March 2010

European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO)

Veronica Cretu


11 March 2010

European Regional At-Large Organization (EURALO) 

Christopher Wilkinson


11 March 2010

Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO)

Jacqueline Morris


11 March 2010

Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization (LACRALO) 

James Corbin


11 March 2010

North-American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO)

Myles Braithwaite


11 March 2010

North-American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO) 

Annalisa Roger


11 March 2010

  • The independent Chair of the BCEC is Cheryl Langdon-Orr.
  • Prof. Hong Xue served as the APRALO representative in the BCEC from March 11th 2010 until August 15th 2010. On August 13th, APRALO informed the ALAC that they wish to replace Hong with Fouad Bajwa on the BCEC. None of the members of the ALAC raised any objections within the following 48 hours. On August 16th, 2010 the ALAC officially endorsed the proposed replacement.

At-Large Director Selection Documents

Director's Criteria: EN, ES, FR



  • Comments will be accepted in the six UN languages.


I've freely proposed to become member of BCEC with Afralo members support. So I must to do my best in this engagement.


contributed by b.schombe@gmail.com on 2010-03-25 09:46:22 GMT