Draft Confidential Applicant Reference Form

Draft Confidential Applicant Reference Form

Confidential Applicant Reference Form

For Process of Selection by At-Large of Board Director

Name of Applicant Being Considered:

Name of Reference Provider:

Reference Provider’s Email Address:

Reference Provider’s Telephone:

The At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) relies heavily on the information provided in Candidate References. The information you provide here will be used solely by the BCEC in carrying out its mandate, and will not be shared outside of the BCEC and it's ICANN staff, all of whom have agreed to respect the need for complete confidentiality. Please give us your candid and thoughtful comments on all of the following matters:

> 1) How do you know the Applicant?

> 2) Please comment on the Applicant’s qualities and performance which you consider relevant to the position of Board Director.

> 3) To the best of your knowledge does the Applicant’s Statement of Interest reflect accurately the Applicant’s qualifications and experience?

> 4) How has the Applicant demonstrated the capability and commitment to put the public interest ahead of any particular interests?

> 5) What are the Applicant’s greatest strengths in terms of meeting the criteria set forth for these role?

> 6) Do you personally have high confidence in the Applicant’s integrity and objectivity? What is the basis for your confidence?

> 7) How would you rate the Applicant's understanding of the needs and issues related to ICANN's At-Large community and Internet end-users worldwide?

> 8) Is the Applicant able to work and communicate well in written and spoken English?

> 9) Do you have any reservations about supporting this Applicant?

> 10 a) How would you assess your own familiarity with ICANN’s Mission and activities?_____ High ___Medium ____Low

> 10 b) How would you assess your own familiarity with ICANN's At-Large Community ?_____ High ___Medium ____Low

> (See http://www.icann.org for more information about ICANN.)

We appreciate very much your contribution to the Selection of At-Large Board of Directors process. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at the address noted in the message preceding this Form.

Please send your response as soon as possible, and no later than 1 May 2010, to alacabsdt:(email|mailto:joette.youkhanna@icann.org]. A prompt reply would be appreciated.

I took the first step to replace NomCom with ABSC all through the documents.

contributed by hongxueipr@gmail.com on 2010-02-23 13:29:22 GMT

I modified point 8 as well.

contributed by hongxueipr@gmail.com on 2010-02-23 13:34:59 GMT

I'd be grateful if you could send in your comments before or by February 28 so that I would have time to complete and post the drafting before the call on March 2, which I will unfortunately not be able to attend.

contributed by hongxueipr@gmail.com on 2010-02-23 13:37:05 GMT

This seems fit to purpose, IMO.

contributed by carlton.samuels@gmail.com on 2010-02-23 13:54:30 GMT

Many thanks to Carlton for his comments. Apart from a couple of tiny wording adjustments made to tailor to the ABSC selection need, I'm wondering if we should ask an additional question: how do you assess the Candidate's contributions to the at-large community? It would be a response to the concerns that the Candidate should already have "demonstrable" "involvement" (or "link") in the at-large community.

contributed by hongxueipr@gmail.com on 2010-02-27 01:50:07 GMT

Yes Hong, I agree with you here. Good question.

contributed by ocl@gih.com on 2010-03-02 09:35:34 GMT

In the "parallel" version of this document, I asked a related question.

"There are no questions regarding familiarity with At-Large (either assessing the candidate or of the person completing the form. Do we want any?"

contributed by alan.greenberg@mcgill.ca on 2010-03-22 17:25:42 GMT

The two plural forms have been corrected. I'm not to be blamed at all as a dedicated non-English volunteer.
Again I hope all of you could review my comments and suggested editions so that I can edit the document content, rather than leaving it "just standard
editing of terms to make it At Large rather than generic NomCom."

contributed by hongxueipr@gmail.com on 2010-03-23 10:39:02 GMT

I think We should ask the reference provider whether he/she wishes to disclose his/her relationship with ICANN, whether he/she has any interests in ICANN etc..

contributed by dave@isoc-mu.org on 2010-03-23 12:38:46 GMT

I'm not sure if I follow the discussion on Q.7. It seems twisted. How would the referee reads the mind of the applicant? I remember the alternative more objective words, such as "How would you rate the Applicant's involvement and contribution related to ICANN's At-Large community and Internet end-users worldwide?" But if you've reach rough consensus on this, I can live with it.

contributed by hongxueipr@gmail.com on 2010-03-30 01:33:46 GMT