David Conrad
I've been kicking around the Internet since around 1983, mostly on the technical and/or operations side of the house, and have been a victim of both the addressing and naming worlds. My work experience: led a team working for IBM that developed one of the first commercial TCP/IP packages for the IBM PCs, was employee #7 at the first commercial ISP in Japan (IIJ), helped create and was the first Director General of APNIC, did the administrative/management scut work as Executive Director of ISC for the development of BINDv9 and ISC DHCPv3, started up and was CTO of Nominum, then moved to ICANN to be first the General Manager of IANA, then ICANN's VP of IT. I left ICANN after helping to get the root signed and am now in the process of getting back into full-time work.
My musical ability is limited to being dragged kicking and screaming to karaoke bars when I lived in Japan.