CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.3.05

CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.3.05

Date:  Wednesday, 5 March 2014                                

Time:  UTC | See here for your local date and time

Adobe Meeting Room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ccwg/

Adigo Participant #:
For Adigo numbers: http://adigo.com/icann/

Interpretation Available: No

Participants: Alain Bidron, Bill Drake, David Fares, David Maher, Evan Leibovitch, Greg Shatan, Keith Drazek, Kristina Rosette, Leon Sanchez, Marilia Maciel, Marilyn Cade, Olivier Crepin Leblond, Olof Nordling, Phil Corwin,  Rafik Dammak, Sarah Falvey, Yvette Miller, Young Em 

Staff: Renate De Wulf,  Alexandra Dans,  Ergys Ramaj


Call management: Petya Minkova 

Action Items: EN

Recording: EN

Minutes: EN

Transcript: EN 

Adobe Chat: EN

A G E N D A  

Standing Agenda Items

1- Roll-call & adoption of agenda (Staff; Rafik; 3 minutes)

2- Action items review (Rafik; 5 minutes)

28 February 2014

3- Contributing drafting: going through inputs, updates from volunteers (Rafik; 40 minutes )

Cross-community WG Contribution Draft

Google Doc Draft (working space)

4- AOB (Rafik; 5 minutes)