2016-02-22 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG
The first call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group has been scheduled for Monday, 22 February 2016 at 22:00 UTC
14:00 PST, 17:00 EST, 22:00 London, 23:00 CET, +1 09:00 Sydney
for other places see: http://tinyurl.com/hlhedr8
The proposed agenda for the first meeting of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures WG, scheduled for Monday, 22 February 2016 at 22:00 UTC is located below. Paul McGrady, the GNSO Council liaison to this WG, will serve as the interim Chair until the WG selects its leadership:
- Welcome
- Roll Call / Statement of Interests
- Introductions
- Schedule of Meetings
- Principles of Transparency and Openness
- Election of WG Leaders
- Items for Review (e.g., background materials, WG charter, WG guidelines, GNSO PDP process) - staff presentation
- Development of Work Plan – staff presentation continued
- Next Steps/Next Meeting
Apologies: Diego Fernandez, Carlton Samuels, Jon Nevett, Steve Coates, Marilia Maciel, Dean Smith, Michele Neylon, Richard Padilla, Soumya Iyer
On audio only: Karen Bernstein, Charles Guarino, Avri Doria
Notes/Action items:
Action Items:
1. Schedule of meetings: Staff will send a Doodle to pick a day and pick rotating times; schedule for 90 minutes.
2. Election of WG Leaders: Consider proposal to have 2 co-chairs and 3 vice chairs; note, however, that the WG may not need to decide on vice chairs until the work plan is determined.
3. Next meeting: Consider having another meeting prior to Marrakech; staff will send a Doodle for 29 February at 2200 UTC to determine interest/availability.
Reference documents:
- GNSO WG Chair description
- Final Issue Report - http://gnso.icann.org/en/issues/new-gtlds/subsequent-procedures-final-issue-04dec15-en.pdf
- PDP-WG Charter - http://gnso.icann.org/en/issues/new-gtlds/subsequent-procedures-charter-21jan16-en.pdf
- GNSO Working Group Guidelines - http://gnso.icann.org/council/annex-1-gnso-wg-guidelines-08apr11-en.pdf
- PDP Manual - http://gnso.icann.org/council/annex-2-pdp-manual-13jun13-en.pdf
- Documents Overview Powerpoint
- WG Member Affiliation
- WG Member Time Zone Spread