Board Liaison Process 2009

Board Liaison Process 2009

Process for election of Board Liaison

The mechanism for appointment and/or election of ICANN Board members has not been discussed by the ICANN Board; indeed the Board has yet to decide upon whether or not At-Large shall . However, as a community we need to explore and discuss this, possibly in parallel to these formal ALAC election processes or our Liaisons and Appointments.

Rules 4, 5, 9, and 10 of the ALAC Internal Rules of Procedure (AL/2007/1/1.Rev10) set out the procedure for the presentation of candidates, conduct of elections, as well as the obligations, privileges, and duties of the ALAC Liaison. You may find English, French, and Spanish versions of the text at the URL referenced above.

1. Each RALO is requested to forward the names of nominees that have been endorsed by the RALO, through whatever mechanism they wish to use for this purpose or which their Rules of Procedure provide, to the public At-Large list not later than 15 September 2009. Those selected shall provide:

> 1. Acceptance of the Nomination to the position. Acceptance automatically means the nominee accepts the commitments listed above under Level of Commitment for Board Liaison.
> 2. A brief bio, written in clear English, taking into account the above commitments as well as the obligations and qualification criteria for liaisons as found in the ALAC Rules of Procedure;
> 3. A statement, not longer than three pages in length, stating why the nominee believes he or she would be an effective representative of the ALAC and At-Large to the ICANN Board.
> 4. A conflict of interest statement, disclosing any conflicts as provided at http://www.icann.org/en/committees/coi/coi-policy-30jul09-en.htm. Where the referenced uses the term 'Director' this shall be understood as meaning Liaison; it is further understood that Section 4 in that document is not applicable, as a liaison does not have a vote.

2. The list of candidates upon which the ALAC shall vote shall consist of the entire list of all nominees provided in step 1 above. The list of candidates shall be published by the Staff not later than 17th September 2009, to the ALAC announcement list, including links to the materials provided by the nominees in Step 1.

3. A special purpose teleconference shall be arranged not earlier than 18th September and not later than 20th September at which the candidates shall be provided an equal length of time to speak about their candidature (the length to be determined by the Chair of the ALAC in advance). This will be followed by Q&A. All members of the At-Large community shall be invited to attend the teleconference, which shall be recorded and transcribed and conducted in English, Spanish, and French through the use of interpreters.

4. The ALAC shall vote on the list of candidates using the Instant Runoff Voting system, as provided in Rule 10.4 of the ALAC Rules of Procedure. This means they will rank each candidate, from most preferred to least preferred, using the electronic voting system regularly used for ALAC voting. The vote shall last for a period of 10 days, commencing 21st September at 12:00 UTC and closing at 18:00 UTC on 30th September.

5. The Staff shall announce the result of the voting on 1st October 2009 to the ALAC Announcement list, and notify the Secretary of the ICANN Board of the result immediately thereafter.