S&T Meeting #16 - 9 August
1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI
2. Progress updates on discussion papers
a. Discussion paper questions
b. Specific Data sources
i. Identify the top 3
c. Challenges you are facing and how we can overcome them
3. Discussion papers methodology
a. Comments/questions on discussion paper format
b. Formulating hypotheses
4. Next steps
- 11 August – call with leads
- 16 August – call with leads
- 22 August – first draft of discussion paper
- 23 August – S&T call to discuss first drafts
- 26 August – send drafts to CCT for Vienna discussions
5. A.O.B
Discussion documents:
- Link to google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B84NEbQKwQz5dUlDQTlxSHN3d0k
- ST_Laureen Kapin_9Aug.pdf
- CCT-RT Hypothesis Worksheet
- ST-10.DoconsumerstrustnewgTLDs
- S&T Discussion Paper Topics
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
- ACTION ITEM - ICANN staff to add GAC communiqués starting from Beijing to impact of safeguards resources page
- ACTION ITEM - Put together inventory of universe of data available to Team and include inventory of what is pending
- ACTION ITEM - Alice to send Laureen recap of metrics/resources links
- ACTION ITEM - Laureen to create a sample discussion paper on trust issues for Team members to use as a reference
- ACTION ITEM - Leads to meet on August 11 and 16 for touch base calls.
- ACTION ITEM - Jonathan to refine template sections/nomenclature