S&T Meeting #6 - 14 April
S&T Meeting #6 - 14 April
Review Team Members: Laureen Kapin, Carlton Samuels, Gaongalelwe Mosweu, Jonathan Zuck, Drew Bagley
Staff: Margie Milam, Alice Jansen, Eleeza Agopian, Brian Aitchison, Brenda Brewer, Pamela Smith, Karen Mulberry
Apologies: David Taylor
1. Prioritizing within our first category of Consumer End User behavior.
2. Articles/studies we think should be included in our review process
3. Additional data resources/needs
4. Additional topics?
Discussion documents:
Reading list - see Safeguards & Trust
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
- Carlos to review navigation and use issues for Consumer End User discussion and circulate to the team.
- Change first bullet in Consumer Literacy topic to include "their IDN". Drew to email suggestion to the team.
- Team to make suggestions to reading list additions; Laureen to randomly assign documents for review if there are no volunteers. Team reviewers to cite questions, topics, analysis for discussion. Brian Aitchison article review cited as example: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2016-03-15-en
- Add http://www.antiphishing.org/resources/apwg-reports/ to list
- DNS Abuse report: https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/reviews/dns-abuse/draft-safeguards-against-dns-abuse-15mar16-en.pdf
- When reading articles: Identify: what is important, surprising, useful for the group.
- GAC briefing in Helsinki - Laureen and Megan?
- Francisco Arias presentation 28 April 2016 - Name Collision
- Review the Stan Besen presentation from the Competition Sub Team meeting 13 April 2016
"The Basics of Market Definition and Analysis Group Summary" https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CCT/pages/102138216/Competition+Consumer+Choice