Overarching activity:
- A more descriptive note for negotiations should be developed.
- Group to consider having a smaller set of 'off the shelf' presentations for use around ICANN meetings or key events such as PCs etc., @all to add ideas in Jamboard as they arise.
Ongoing (for standing Agenda Items) or carry-over AIs
- All are to consider what areas of improvement to the APAT should be made going forward. What should be put on hold, etc. To add still is the colour code for WS2 reporting of status by ICANN.Org (red - for implementation not started; blue - for implementation in progress; green - for implementation completed.) and hyperlink reference document in the relevant slot in WS2 ta; Referencing to Budget and Finance documentation re aspects of MSM e.g. Diversity etc., marita.moll to advise here; Others To be listed
- All to consider and discuss on list options brought forward to optimise APAT platform stability and ongoing usefulness and in this start with this review article and share others to the list.
2022-11-10 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next PST call the on 23 November at 18:00 UTC
2022-11-03 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
Susie Johnson to arrange a call the week of 7 November with Cheryl Langdon-Orr , Victoria Yang and herself to discuss the Final List of Prioritized Specific Review Recommendations FY23 Planning 03 May 2022Prioritization (In progress)- All to review the Final List of Prioritized Specific Review Recommendations FY23 Planning 03 May 2022 before the next PST call.
- Susie Johnson to copy the P Ranking from the Final List of Prioritized Specific Review Recommendations FY23 Planning 03 May 2022 to a new 2023 tab on the APAT.
- For FY24, the PST to develop a year long plan to track process and timing of input to org/community activities.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr , Susie Johnson ; Heidi Ullrich and Chantelle Doerksen to discuss an approach to the PSP Pilot year long plan, including if possible a general work plan or activities tracker for meetings over the next 12-18m (insert known general dates of activities and or PC's etc., (In progress)
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next PST call the week of 7 November.
2022-10-26 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule a PST call on Wednesday, 2 November at 18:00 UTC to consider and discuss any received Submissions to PC on Pilot HR ToRs
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule a PST call on Wednesday, 16 November at 18:00 UTC
- Susie Johnson to follow up on requesting access to the prioritization doc and provide the link to the PST when available.
- @All to reacquaint or acquaint themselves with the APAT spreadsheet over the next 3 weeks and get back to @CLO or @Staff if a review or orientation session is needed. This will be in End Nov / Dec Agenda's
2022-08-31 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- The OFB-PST to finish their draft in the next 72 hours.
- Heidi Ullrich to send the final draft to the OFB-WG list for review noting that silence will be considered consent.
- Following confirmation from, Cheryl Langdon-Orr , Maureen and Heidi Ullrich to decide how the document will proceed for ALAC review.
2022-08-24 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Members of the OFB-WG Sub Group are to review the Google doc preparing for the ALAC response to the Public Comment on the Pilot Holistic Review TORs ahead of the OFB-WG call tentatively scheduled for Thursday, 1 September. IN PROGRESS
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Members of the OFB-WG Sub Group will aim to have a nearly completed ALAC response to the Public Comment on the Pilot Holistic Review TORs before the At-Large Operations Operations Update scheduled for Sunday, 18 September during ICANN75. IN PROGRESS
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next Prioritization Sub-Group call on Wednesday, 31 August at 18:00 UTC.
2022-08-17 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Members of the OFB-WG Sub Group are to review the Google doc preparing for the ALAC response to the Public Comment on the Pilot Holistic Review TORs ahead of the OFB-WG call tentatively scheduled for Thursday, 1 September. IN PROGRESS repeat AI for 24-08-22
- Alan Greenberg to include a sentence in the Google doc on the ALAC response to the Public Comment on the Pilot Holistic Review TORs noting the confusion that the term 'pilot' could cause.
- marita.moll and Olivier Crépin-Leblond to collaborate on adding text on the MSM in the ALAC response to the Public Comment on the Pilot Holistic Review TORs.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Members of the OFB-WG Sub Group will aim to have a nearly completed ALAC response to the Public Comment on the Pilot Holistic Review TORs before the At-Large Operations Operations Update scheduled for Sunday, 18 September during ICANN75. IN PROGRESS continue AI for 24-08-22
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next Prioritization Sub-Group call on Wednesday, 24 August at 18:00 UTC and to pencil in a call on Wednesday, 31 August at 18:00 UTC.
2022-08-04 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- On the Pilot Holistic TOR Public Comment, the Group will wait to see the materials org produces before beginning their response.
- Group members to review the Draft Pilot Holistic TOR Public Comment
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Maureen to confirm whether an informal/formal Leadership meeting on the topic of the holistic review is needed to prep for our public comment if it is still open in KL.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr , Alan Greenberg , Olivier Crépin-Leblond , marita.moll ; bill.jouris ; sebastien.bachollet . vanda and Judith Hellerstein to draft a strawman to present to the ALAC/OFB-WG on the proposed approach to the Pilot Holistic TOR Public Comment before next call on 17 August.
- Claudia Ruiz to set up a Google doc for the Pilot Holistic TOR Public Comment ALAC response giving permission to all on the Prioritization Sub-Group WG.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next Prioritization Sub-Group call on Wednesday, 17 August at 18:00 UTC.
2022-05-25 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- All are to consider what the areas of improvement to the APAT should be made going forward. What should be put on hold, etc. To add still is the colour code for WS2 reporting of status by ICANN.Org (red - for implementation not started; blue - for implementation in progress; green - for implementation completed.) and hyperlink reference document in the relevant slot in WS2 ta; Referencing to Budget and Finance documentation re aspects of MSM e.g. Diversity etc., marita.moll to advise here; Others To be listed - Carried Over
- All to consider and discuss on list options brought forward to optimise APAT platform stability and ongoing usefulness and in this start with this review article and share others to the list. - Carried Over
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to consider organizing a small informal sub-group gathering at ICANN74 or at a dedicated space.
- Susie Johnson to reach out to SMEs in org to find info on tools.
- jonathan.zuck to consider the advantages/disadvantages of using cloud services for the prioritization project.
- Heidi Ullrich to send AIs to the list.
- Yesim Saglam to note and advise list that the calls planned for the 2 and 8 June have been cancelled.
2022-05-18 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Susie Johnson to hyperlink reference document in the relevant slot in WS2 tab. HELD OVER and incorporated in new AI from 25 Many meeting
- @Alan Greenberg to develop text to incorporate the annual report of the Chair/etc into the ROPs. These changes do not need to be completed in the current ROP changes.
- Susie Johnson to correct text: Under WS2, 6.1 (in both the WS2 tab and priority tab), there should be a number 6.1.5 prior to "Each year, SO/AC/Groups should...
- sebastien.bachollet and Cheryl Langdon-Orr to coordinate the best process/time of a. call with the Regional Leaders and Cheryl. (and Sub-Group?) to. discuss RALO WS2 Scorecards. (In progress)
- Heidi Ullrich to add items on the Holistic Review ToR Update and review of Changes as discussed in today's call to the APAT on the next call.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule next call at on 25 May at the same time.
2022-05-11 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr , Alan Greenberg and Heidi Ullrich to review the Staff Report on the ALAC WS2 Scorecard which includes the accountability and transparency issues related to WS2. In particular, the remaining issue to be completed which includes a possible change to the ALAC ROPs.
- Group to consider discussing (MSM) topic on future calls.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next call on Wednesday, 18 May at the same time.
2022-04-13 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Heidi Ullrich to ask Yesim Saglam and other At-Large staff to kick start ALS Mobilization and Individual Mobilization activities.
- Yesim Saglam to include Cheryl Langdon-Orr in ALS Mob implementation work.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr and jonathan.zuck to have a Zoom chat and send a note to the Pilot Prioritization of Review Implementations WG regarding remaining matters of any divergence.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to work with Susie Johnson on an update to our framework to allow for new aspects and algorithms from the Pilot of Specific Review Recommendations Prioritization work. PENDING
- Heidi Ullrich to inform Alan Greenberg of actions to do re WS2 recs and to discuss required Bylaw changes related to WS2/recommendations. IN PROGRESS
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next call on Wednesday, 11 May at the same time.
2022-04-13 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Members to work on their homework.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to work with Susie Johnson on an update
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next call on the 27th of April at 18:00 UTC
2022-03-23 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- sebastien.bachollet, DANIEL NANGHAKA and vanda to consider adding additional commentary on the ATRT3 tab and High Priorities tab (Column F/3.5) ahead of next call.
- Group to consider having a smaller set of presentations around ICANN74 or shortly thereafter. MOVED to an overarching matter
- Alan Greenberg to annotate Row 15 col J in the RDS tab and remove colour on Row 14 col J.
- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the follow-up call for next week, Wednesday, 13 April at 18 UTC.
2022-03-02 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- All presenters to rehearse their presentations.
- Slide deck to be finalized on Friday, 4 March at 23:59 UTC.
- Next call to be scheduled for Wednesday, 16 March (TBC)
2022-02-23 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- sebastien.bachollet to send the document with ATRT3 to Susie and Cheryl and all.
- marita.moll to edit the notes section of the ICANN 73 PPT slide deck.
- Heidi Ullrich and Gisella Gruberto check if they are allowed to use animation. Can we get ICANN staff to actually use PowerPoint, rather than the PDF?
- Gisella Gruber to let them know how the material will be referenced at the actual ICANN 73 meeting side
if linked to the Agenda page?/ what is the best way - Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the follow-up call for next week, Wednesday, March 02 at 17 UTC.
2022-02-16 OFB WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Susie Johnson and Alan Greenberg to work together on some of the RDS entries (Column F - Progress)
- All presenters (Alan Greenberg , jonathan.zuck , sebastien.bachollet , DANIEL NANGHAKA , Olivier Crépin-Leblond vanda and @Marita Moll to work on their slides.
- All are to update/clean up their Jam board pages. Susie JohnsonJohnson to extract data.
- Susie JohnsonJohnson and Cheryl Langdon-Orrto prepare a view of the Tool to be presented during Priority Session and Board/ALAC meeting.
- Susie JohnsonJohnson to open to viewing to a limited distribution list when Cheryl confirms.
- The distribution is to be carefully controlled - Org, Board, ALAC.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next call on Wednesday, 23 Feb at the regular time.
- PPT presentation should be completed by mid next week for input by Org and Final Review
- other AI's associated with the ICANN 73 session presentation
2022-02-09 OFB WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr asked all to create talking points for ICANN 73 slides,
- jonathan.zuck will look at 3 categories of Board reaction
- All to work on slides by next week's session will include their ideas in Jamboard. Each person will have 1-2 slide to populate,
- Yesim Saglamwill schedule the call for next Wed 16 at 19 UTC
2022-02-02 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Susie Johnsonto cross-reference info to CCTRT tab.
- sebastien.bacholletand DANIEL NANGHAKAto make the changes on the ATRT3 column
- Alan Greenbergto delete columns in RDS as relevant.
- Alan Greenberg in RDS col J to add text: "Matters such as transparency might be considered in the future holistic review or RDS" and to remove colour.
- Alan Greenberg to continue the discussion on the RDSRT tab from row 7 R4.1 onwards on next week's call
- jonathan.zuckto update the ST on the CCTRT session being planned for ICANN 73 regarding its specific complementarity and development of tab activities on next week's call
- Between now and Friday 20:30 UTC, all members to look at jamboard and add all ideas and topics to drill down in the ICANN73 session.
- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the next call on Wed, 9 Feb at 18:00 UTC.
- Alperen Ekento note that 'staff assessment' rather than 'xxRALO' or 'ALAC'worked on the WS2 recs for all his presented spreadsheets.
- Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivancoto work with Alp on updating RALO WS2 implementation column C to be changed from EUrALO to staff assessment before Thursday's webinar.
- Heidi Ullrichto add WS2 Google doc to Small Group Workspace under Resources.
- Alan Greenberg/ Susie Johnsonto work on Legend definitions.
- RDS - Susie Johnsonto place in the same order as the other docs of the review.
- Susie Johnson to update RDS - Lines 5-8 - some text is missing.
- sebastien.bachollet to lead check up discussions on recent edits to ATRT3 tab
- Alan GreenbergGreenberg will lead a discussion on RDS Tab on next week's call.
- jonathan.zuckwill update progress on the CCTRT Tab review on the next call.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr, ? and Heidi Ullrichand Susie JohnsonJohnson to further the work on the presentation material that has been produced.
- ALL to continue to add suggestions to the Jam Board for input on this ICANN 72 session.
2022-01-19 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Susie Johnson to check whether WS2 6.1 has been completed.
- All are to check their tabs for texts in columns G, H and I match their text in J/K. As well as note where applicable, what 'other' refers to, noting details IN Column J as appropriate... ALSO, Column J text should be updated from Comments for discussion to established free text and blank cells have relevant text added where possible (as per Olivier Crépin-Leblond comments and clarifying questions on today's call.
- All to consider clarification or input for status changes/allocation in Column F for rows highlighted in Hot Pink Col A cells in WS2 and SSRT Tabs (as per intro in today's call by Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
- Melissa Peters Allgood (Deactivated)to review the WS2 tab for accuracy to .Org reporting and documentation, she is welcome to generally peruse and comment on our working document tabs and content in general.
- Alan GreenbergGreenberg will lead a discussion on RDS Tab on next week's call.
- jonathan.zuckwill update progress on the CCTRT Tab review on the next call.
- Susie Johnson to work on the CCTRT tab, columns G, H and I to match the text in J.
- For ATRT3, add an annotation on the ALAC priority columns G, H and I
- Jamboards to initially be used for the preparation points suggestions Small Group Session during ICANN73. Members to work off-line to add focus suggestions for their Tab areas.
- Heidi Ullrichto add the Jamboard link to the agenda and on Small Group Skype chat.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr, ? and Heidi Ullrichand Susie JohnsonJohnson to kick start the work on the clearest way to present the material that has been produced.
- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the next call on Wednesday, 26 January at 18:00 UTC.
2022-01-12 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Susie JohnsonJohnson to change 'in suspension' to 'suspended'
- On the ATRT3 tab, sebastien.bachollet and DANIEL NANGHAKA are to make changes to J7 and changes and change 'inaction' to 'suspended' where relevant.
- marita.moll and Susie Johnson MSM tab - to have brief annotation regarding the explanation of reduction to Recs listed from original nimber ref Brian Cute's Blog on the tab
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Olivier Crépin-Leblond to check the WS2 - accountability tab - column J.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to focus on the use of Suspended status now on the SSRT tab for next week.
- All should review columns F (addition of 'in suspension' option) as well as G and H in their tab of expertise (especially WS2 in relation to the latest blog update on 21-12-22) -[actioned by CLO but requires double-checking. by Olivier Crépin-Leblond and others
- The focus of the Jan 19 Agenda will be primarily on Alan Greenberg and further work on his on the RDS tab and time permitting with jonathan.zuck on the CCTRT tab.
- Susie JohnsonJohnson to add the following reference to the reference tab: https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/content=t:attachment,f:%22FINAL_10.11.21%20-%20ICANN72%20Prep%20Week%20-%20ICANN%20Reviews%20%26%20Implementation%20Update%20-%20%20(1).pptx%20(2).pdf%22/YhdzlHebQn66buF4X8V8
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr and X and Heidi Ullrichand Susie JohnsonJohnson to kick start the work on the clearest way to present the material that has been produced.
- Claudia RuizRuiz to create a Google doc open to the Small Group on how best to present the work of the OFB Small Group.
- The next call is scheduled for next Wednesday, 19 January at 18:00 UTC.
2022-01-07 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Alan Greenberg to take on activity to draft definitions (columns B, C, D).
- marita.moll to add an annotation that the responsibility is that of all SOAC/SGs in Cell J-11.
- marita.moll to add x in columns 10-11 K under the MSM tab.
- Susie Johnson to embed links to two key multistakeholder docs in the MSM tab. (see: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/evolving-multistakeholder-model-final-issues-list-20jun19-en.pdf; https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/evolving-icanns-multistakeholder-model-the-work-plan-and-way-forward-23-12-2019-en).
All should review columns F (addition of 'in suspension' option) as well as G and H in their tab of expertise (especially WS2 in relation to the latest blog update on 21-12-22) -[actioned by CLO but requires double-checking. by Olivier Crépin-Leblond and otherscontinued to future weeksjonathan.zuckto complete his homework on the CCTRT tab. Alan Greenberg to complete his on the RDS tabcontinues to 19 Jan call Agenda.- The next call is scheduled for Wednesday, 12 January at 18:00 UTC.
2021-12-22 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Heidi Ullrich to move the negotiation text AI to the top of the list:
- All should review columns F (addition of 'in suspension' option) as well as G and H in their tab of expertise (especially WS2 in relation to the latest blog update on 21-12-22)
- Susie Johnson to look into MSM source doc with 11 points.
- Heidi Ullrichto post the 22 Dec blog on WS2 Implementation updates on the OFB-Small Group Skype chat.
- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the next Small Group call on Wednesday, 12 January at 18:00 UTC. and to explore possible options for an additional call in the week of the 3rd Jan or early in the week of the 10th etc.,
2021-12-14 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- No AIs noted.
2021-12-08 OFB-WG Recommendations Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Alan Greenberg to create a new column C with a merger of columns B and D in the legend.
- Alan Greenberg to come up with a terminology alternative to "unimportant"
- All are to review the text in the Legend one more time to be able to remove the remaining red on next week's call.
- All should review column F in their tab of expertise (especially WS2)
- raymondselorm.mamattahto contact Cheryl Langdon-Orrfor mini-updates for capacity building to allow him to catch up.
- Heidi Ullrichto check with relevant org staff to invite them to a planned At-Large session at ICANN73.
- Devan Reed/ Claudia Ruizto schedule the next OFB-WG Small Group on Tuesday at 21:00 UTC.
2021-12-01 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- All are to review the text in the Legend one more time to be able to remove the remaining red on next week's call.
- All should review column F in their tab of expertise (especially WS2)
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next call on 8 December at the same time.
2021-11-24 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- In High Priorities Tab, add text to column H/J, E/F to ensure they sync.
- Susie Johnson/ Cheryl Langdon-Orr to discuss the options for the drop downs before next week's call.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next call on 1 December at the same time.
2021-11-17 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
The group shall create some negotiation notes, not an actual part of this document- Susie JohnsonJohnson to add the categories "undesirable" and "Not time sensitive
- Alan Greenberg to come up with a terminology alternative to "unimportant"
- Group to look at the columns and alert any concerns for next week's call
- Next week's call - the drop downs for WS2; SSRT and perhaps for RDS - Column F = may not be fully satisfactory. All members to review as may need to modify to add measures of completion (partially/ completed/ ongoing etc.,).
- Gisella Gruber to review calendar availability and to schedule the next call for next week, same day/same time.
2021-11-10 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Group to review the Legend tab and review the text with their initials.
- Alan GreenbergGreenberg adds draft sentences to Legend descriptive words.
- All members to review the text in the Legend tab to have a formal review on the next call.
Next week's call - the drop downs for WS2; SSRT and perhaps for RDS - Column F = may not be fully satisfactory. All members to review as may need to modify to add measures of completion (partially/ completed/ ongoing etc.,).Carried over to the following call...- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the next call on 17 November at the same time.
- Group to consider changing High10, High5, High 1 , etc in Column G to High Critical, High Priority, Urgent, (Important), Ideal, Nice, Unimportant, Not time sensitive
- Next week's call - the drop downs for SSRT and perhaps for RDS - Column F = may not be fully satisfactory. All members to review as may need to modify.
- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the next call on 10 November at the same time.
- AG to draft definitions for High10, High5, High1 etc.
- Next call to be scheduled on Wednesday, 3 November at 18:00 UTC.
- DANIEL NANGHAKA and vanda to review the ATRT3 tab.
- All members are to double-check their tabs.
- Heidi Ullrichto reach out to marita.molland Cheryl Langdon-Orrre the questions on MSM
- All members to review the text in the Legend tab to have a formal review on the next call.
- Michelle DeSmyterto look into a good time for a call during the week of the 18th.
- Susie Johnsonto change the nomenclature on the CCTRT to include: Approved, Forwarded to another group and inaction.
- Susie Johnson to switch headings of columns B/F in all tabs.
- X to add to which group the Board forwarded the recommendation.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Susie Johnsonand Heidi Ullrichto check the flow of the new terms.
- Susie Johnson to duplicate the new terms across all tabs once the new terms are approved.
- All members are to update their tabs once the new terms are posted.
- Susie Johnson, to open a new tab named Legend with two columns: 1) Word and 2) Definition.
- Alan Greenbergto develop text for the Legend.
- Devan Reed to schedule the next meeting on 13 October at 18:00 UTC.
- Susie Johnson to add a drop down menu for column F to include: approved, conditionally approved, subject to prioritization, NA
- Heidi Ullrichto add an item on next week's agenda to discuss the legend for the document. Members to think about the content.
- Susie Johnsonto replace 'urgency' with 'status/comments' for the ATRT3 tab column i.
- Susie Johnsonto add 'Progress/Notes' to column
- Susie Johnson to check and correct where required the array formula in column G under High (as well as Medium and Low) Priorities (the grouping output tabs) when all tabs are complete.
- Alan Greenberg and jonathan.zuck to continue work on RDS and CCTRT tabs columns G, H, I, J, K to make sure the text is correct and that text in H/I matches that of J/K.
- Heidi Ullrich to speak to Planning Dept on the MSM issue and status of existing planning doc (For Column B).
- Group to then discuss with marita.moll how best to reflect the Status (Col B) and RT Priority (Col E) Board (Col F) information in the MSM tab; Heidi Ullrich to add to the next available agenda.
- Susie Johnson, Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Heidi Ullrichto coordinate terms based on Board docs and then share for review the terms options to the group chat THEN using those terms adjust the drop-down menu for Col F
- Susie Johnson to add a dropdown ATRT3 tab Column F to make it the same as other tabs (add: approved, fully approved, not approved, etc.)
- DANIEL NANGHAKAto work with sebastien.bachollet to move text from column F to B under the ATRT3 tab allowing a drop-down choice to reflect that information from the new drop-down terms options.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr /@Heidi Ullrich to sanity check the items under the SSRT tab (column B; rows 2-10 and 21-22)
- DANIEL NANGHAKAto work with sebastien.bacholletto update columns H and I under the ATRT3 tab. (required clarification carried over to AI's for 2021-09-22)
- Susie JohnsonJohnson to continue working on the updates on the changes for tabs (col I - High, medium and low); Effort (min, moderate, significant) )TBC)
- Cheryl Langdon-Orrto follow up with Herb Waye on WS2 items: 1 (1.7 ICANN staff should support SO/AC/Groups in developing and publishing a process for dealing with diversity-related complaints and issues.) and 5. Improving the ICANN Office of the Ombuds (IOO).
- Susie Johnson to look at column G under the High Priorities tab, relating to the point made by Olivier Crépin-Leblond at the start of the meeting.
- Susie Johnsonunder High Priorities Tab under column H to change nomenclature to match terms used in other tabs (i.e., significant, moderate, etc)
- Olivier Crépin-Leblondand Cheryl Langdon-Orrto add labels to WS2 tab columns H and I: High, Medium, Low, NA and Other. N/A and Other should be accompanied with a short explanation in column
- jonathan.zuck Alan Greenberg and marita.mollto work on the CCRT, RDS and MSM columns H/I for their respective area of expertise. AND to duplicate Recommendation Numbers into column C carried over to 2021-09-22 AI's after clarification
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Susie Johnsonand Heidi Ullrichto have a catch-up call prior to next week's Small Group Call.
- All members are to own their areas of expertise (i.e., ATRT3, WS2, CCTRT, etc), and update the status (high, medium, low, N/A) in columns H and I . This needs to correspond to what was agreed earlier.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orrto cover SSRT tab updates
- Susie Johnsonto check on the cross-linking of the tabs, including whether the ALAC High Priorities Tab copies the responses from the other sheets.
- Susie Johnson to correct WS2/ column A data
- Susie Johnson to work with Cheryl Langdon-Orron review team recommendations to ensure that the sorting is the same.
- Olivier Crépin-Leblondand Cheryl Langdon-Orrto work on WS2 updates.
- marita.mollto further update the MSM tab.
- Susie Johnsonto look at technical issues in the ATRT3 tab.
- Susie Johnsonto add numbers to priorities.
- Conversations on all tabs to continue on next week's call.
- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the next call on Wednesday, 1 September at 18:00 UTC.
- Susie Johnsonto add a new column and any other changes need to improve the document.
- Alan Greenbergto review the RDS recommendations and highlight which the ALAC should continue to press for their implementation.
- All members are to own their areas of expertise (i.e., ATRT3, WS2, CCTRT, etc), and update the status (high, medium, low, N/A) in columns H and I . This needs to correspond to what was agreed earlier.
- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule the next OFB-WG Small Group next week Wednesday, 25th August at 18:00 UTC.
- jonathan.zuckto review the CCTRT recommendations and their ranking.
- Claudia Ruiz to set up a group Skype chat for the Small Team to review the rankings in the new document.
- Michelle DeSmyter and Claudia Ruizto schedule the next call on 18 August.
- Susie Johnsonto rank all high priority recommendations on one sheet by the next call.
- Heidi Ullrichto invite Becky Nash to the next call of the OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization SmallTeam Call on 11 August and the Planning OFB-WG Workshop on 12 August.
- marita.molland jonathan.zuckto review and edit Line 3 column D and E.
- Group to review all recommendations as a high level exercise and identify top recommendations in each area.
- Next Steps: Group to suggest ways to show the various topics and their priority rankings.
- Staff to merge all topic areas in another doc. (TBC)
- A graph to be developed to show the various priority rankings.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr , Claudia Ruiz, Susie Johnson and Heidi Ullrich to hold call on how to merge and further rank the priorities.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next OFB-WG Small Group call in two weeks (TBC by CLO)
- Cheryl Langdon-Orrto annotate line 7 recommendation on demographics and recruitment to summarize discussion.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr/ Heidi Ullrichto add reference to link to Joint ALAC/GAC statement on reducing (see: https://atlarge.icann.org/advice_statements/10443) and note of high priority for ICANN to be included in line 8 on recommendation on complexity.
- Confirm with Marita on line 8 of priority, noting specific reference to ICANN (vs At-Large priority)
- Cheryl Langdon-Orrto confirm annotation on line 10 for recommendation for efficient use of resources.
- Claudia Ruizto confirm that marita.mollis able to join next week's call.
- Devan Reedto schedule the next call on Wednesday 7 July at 18:00 UTC for 60min
Row 6
Rejig information in cell D to have more generalised approach – fit for purpose.
CLO personal High priority, medium urgency with number of things currently in play and need to be tested and reviewed.
50/50 high or medium effort – medium to high effort
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to come back to this on next call with Marita. Re-edit on D and stretch on classification
D – bandwidth resourcing technological and human (comment from Alan)
Row 8
Low from At-Large perspective / Low urgency / Medium effort if was to be changed
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr Review during next meeting
- marita.moll to summarise cell 5E discussions and will be reviewed next week.
2021-06-09 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to place holding sentence in row 13 to capture discussions ahead of Marita's edits
- Claudia Ruiz to confirm Marita has editing rights
- marita.moll to make comments on all recommendations based on her knowledge
- Devan Reed to set up next call on Wed 23 June at 18:00 UTC. Add Marita to invitations
2021-05-26 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule next for Wednesday 09 June at 18:00 UTC and to invite include Marita Moll in invite
2021-05-12 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Alan Greenbergto review and revise SSR item on ATRT3 (V2.0)
- Claudia Ruiz and Michelle DeSmyter to confirm standing time for OFB-WG Rec Prioritization Small Group with Cheryl Langdon-Orr .
- Claudia Ruiz and Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next Small Group call for next week, Wednesday, 18:00 UTC.
2021-05-04 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Alan Greenbergto add comment to Rec 17.
- Laurin Weissingerto do a full review of the SSRT sheet text.
- Claudia Ruiz and Michelle DeSmyterto work with Cheryl Langdon-Orrand sebastien.bacholleton scheduling a good time for the Small Group for the next few weeks.
2021-04-27 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Claudia Ruiz to post link of the Finance call.
- Heidi Ullrichto request that holly.raichelisten to the Finance call and note it on the next OFB-WG call.
- Claudia Ruiz to ask for RSVPs for the Small Group call going forward.
- Claudia Ruizto schedule the next Small Group Call next week Wednesday, 5 May at 20:00 UTC.
2021-04-21 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Heidi Ullrichto delete lines 9-29
- Heidi Ullrichto duplicate material from upper section (green)
2021-04-14 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Call
- Heidi Ullrichand Claudia Ruizto add a column on document in SSRT tab in column F.
- Heidi Ullrich to follow up with Cheryl Langdon-Orr regarding deleting specific rows in SSRT tab.
- Laurin Weissingerto add text in new column.
- Claudia Ruizto schedule Small-Team call for Wednesday, 21 April.
2021-03-31 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Workspace
- jonathan.zuck to further edit item 19 status/comments
- jonathan.zuck to review all edits to confirm CCTRT priorities.
- Group to move on to SSRT
- Yesim Saglamto invite all At-Large representatives to SSRT for next meeting.
- Heidi Ullrichto send a note to the SSRT reps
Jabhera Matagoro
Ram Krishna Pariyar
- Yesim Saglamto schedule next Prioritization Recommendation in small group in two weeks on 14 April.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Heidi Ullrich to send Laurin, Jabhera and Ram Krishna a briefing of their role on the next call.
2021-03-15 OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Sub-Group Workspace
- jonathan.zuck and Cheryl Langdon-Orr to lines 18 and 19 to the upper section in WS/RT sheet.
- Claudia Ruizto schedule the next OFB-WG Recommendation Prioritization Small-Team call on 31 March at the regular time.
2021-03-10 WS2 Prioritisation Small Team Call
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to confirm the rankings with Alan Greenbergon RDS Recs CC.1, CC.2, CC.4, and BY.1.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to confirm the final ranking (urgency) with jonathan.zuckon CCTRT Rec (line 4).
- Small team to add notes on CCTRT lines 7 & 8 - Global South & Pro Bono.
- Michelle DeSmyterto schedule next meeting of the group on Tues, 16 March at 17 UTC (TBC - before OFB-WG).
2021-03-03 WS2 Prioritisation Small Team Call
- sebastien.bacholletto work with Evin on incorporating Seb's ATRT3 comments into the main Google Rec Tracker.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)and. Heidi Ullrichto add recommendation priorities from RDS Report into RDS tab.
- Members to add additional annotations
- Next meeting to start with remaining RDS and then focus on CCRT
- Next call is to be scheduled for 10 March
2021-02-17 WS2 Prioritisation Small Team Call
- Alan Greenbergand jonathan.zuckto review main rec tracker document and add their comments, etc (add initials to your comments) by COB, Tuesday, 23 Feb.
- Olivier Crépin-Leblondto add any annotations to the recs by COB, Tuesday, 23 Feb.
- Heidi Ullrichto invite Lauriin Jabhera Matogoro and Ramkrishna Pariyarto join when we discuss SSRT Recommendations and marita.moll for the MSM recommendations. (Marita completed)
- Cheryl Langdon-Orrto present a brief update of 5 mins on the OFB-WG on 23 Feb postponed to a following meeting date TBC
- Next 2 or 3 calls will focus on RDS/CCRT recs.
- Next calls will be weekly on 3 and 10 March.
- Members of Group to note the AI from the OFB-WG that this group will present its WS2 results on the next meeting of the OFB-WG scheduled for 27 January.
- EE to open Google doc to the WS2 small group members.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to edit text 6 - Increase SO/AC Accountability
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to note new nomenclature i.e., change the category from HIGH/MODERATE/MEDIUM to something along the lines of EASY/AVERAGE...
- Tidy up Recommendation of ICANN Transparency
- CLO to prepare a couple of slides for the presentation to the OFB-WG, recognizing that the Google doc has been presented to them twice before.
- Members to review comments on the doc when they are pinged.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to make a copy of the Thresher doc and remove numbers from column i.
- Next recommendations:
- sebastien.bachollet to review comments on item 5 of Ombudsman.
- Next call - 17 February.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to add a column to the WS2 doc to gather additional information.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to check where implementation on good faith is currently.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to add to Google Doc: On accountability - note this is an opportunity for ALAC to ensure that its interactions with the end users - that inclusion is a desirable trait that the ALAC may wish to consider in their own continuous improvement activities.
- WS2 Small Team to complete their prioritization by Monday, 4 January for presentation to the OFB-WG and ALAC meetings in January.