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Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)

How can I participate in this meeting?

Comment est-ce qu'on peut participer à la téléconférence?

¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?

Who is on the dial-out list for this call?


Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Sivasubramanian M, Sebastien Bachollet, Alan Greenberg, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Gareth Shearman, Carlton Samuels, Vanda Scartezini, Dave Kissoondoyal


Staff: Matthias Langenegger, Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber-White


Action Items: EN, FR, ES

Adopted Motions: EN FR, ES

Transcription: EN, FR, ES


Documents (EN):

Summary Minutes: EN



I. Standing Agenda Items (20 - 25 min)


3. Review of the June ALAC Meetings (3 mins)

a. Action Items (EN) and Transcripts (for EN see: alac-regional-1-to-6-20jun10-en.doc ) from the 20 June 2010 ALAC and Regional Leaders Meeting


a. Liaison Reports
Note: There will be no discussion of liaison reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any Liaison who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.

Board Liaison Report
GNSO Liaison Report
ccNSO Liaison Report
SSAC Liaison Report
IDN Liaison Report
dotMOBI Liaison Report
b. Sub-committees of the ALAC

Finance and Budget Sub-Committee

c. Working Group Reports

Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Officers of the At-Large Working Groups to submit monthly reports.There will be no discussion of Working Group reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any At-Large Working Group Officer who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.

Standing Working Groups

At-Large Engagement in ICANN: ( Main Wiki Page )
Future Structure, Accountability and Transparency of ICANN: ( Main Wiki Page )
New gTLDs: (Main Wiki Page)
Technical Issues: ( Main Wiki Page )
IDN Policy: ( List of IDN Liaison reports )
At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsibilities: ( Main Wiki Page )

The discussion of an Aspirational Registrant Rights Charter was discussed during the 37th ICANN Meeting.
Whois Policy: ( Main Wiki Page )
Joint GNSO-ALAC Working GroupsJoint GNSO-ALAC RAA Related WG activities - click here for joint GNSO-ALAC RAA-related workspace. Update on Working Group A (Registrant Rights Charter)
ii. Update on Working Group B (Additional Amendments to the RAA)
Ad-Hoc Working Groups
At-Large Name Issues Taskforce: ( Main Wiki Page )

c. RALO Reports:Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Secretariats of the RALOs to submit monthly reports.
There will be no discussion of RALO reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only.AFRALO (AFRALO workspace)
APRALO (APRALO workspace)
EURALO (EURALO workspace)
NARALO: (NARALO Workspace)

II. New Business

Items For Decision

6. Proposed ALAC Statements for Decision (15 mins)

a. ALAC Final Recommendations on the At-Large Community Director Selection Process Cheryl

The document, in draft form, was sent to the ABSdt on 9 June 2010, with no one opposing it. Although the ALAC has delegated responsibility for the At-Large director selection process to the ABSdt, in order to make it official, the ALAC should formally accept the recommendations.

Does the ALAC agree that the ALAC Final Recommendations on the At-Large Director Selection Process be considered as the final version?


The public consultation on the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR) Initial Report closes 1 August 2010.

A comment on the PEDNR WG Initial Report has been prepared which reflects the original ALAC Request for an Issues Report and the majority position of the At-Large particilants in the Working Group.


The Public Consultation on the The New GNSO Policy Development Process - the PDP-WT Initial Report has been extended to 1 August 2010.

A comment on the PDP-WT Interim Report has been prepared commending the PDP-WT and highlighting four issues of particular interest and importance to the ALAC and At-Large.


Following the discussion between ICANN CFO Kevin Wilson and the ExCom and other attendees on Friday afternoon in Brussels, Alan Greenberg drafted a note outlining his recommendations to improve community travel.

Does the ALAC agree that this note be endorsed as an ALAC Statement on this issue?

b. Travel Support for At-Large RALO General Assemblies

The FY11 Operating Plan and Budget as approved 25 June 2010 states: "For the ALAC, during the period 2010--2013, support one General Assembly for each of the five Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) held in conjunction with either an ICANN or key regional Internet stakeholder meeting in order to set priorities, develop strategies for improving participation, including capacity-building programs, and increase engagement, such as recruiting new At-Large Structures to achieve the goal of at least one At-Large Structure per country worldwide. These community support activities will contribute to a healthy Internet eco-system."

LACRALO is proposing to hold a General Assembly during the 39th ICANN meeting in Cartegena. In preparation for this meeting, Sylvia Herlein Leite has sent a letter to ICANN CFO Kevin Wilson.
