15 May 2013

15 May 2013

Improvements Implementation meeting is scheduled for 1300 PDT/1600 EDT/2000 UTC.

Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/standcommdraft/

Proposed Agenda:

 1.  Roll call (1 min)

2.  Statements of Interest (2 min)

3.  Approval of the agenda (2 min)

4.  Charter Revision drafting team (30 mins)

5. Re-submitting a motion (10 mins)

6.  Termination and Suspension of a PDP (5 mins) -- Motion submitted by Wolf-Ulrich to be considered by GNSO Council on 16 May

7.  Working Group Guidelines survey (5 mins)

8.  AOB (5 mins)

For review:

SCI Charter Proposed Revision - CharterReviewTeamv2-130328 .docx
