01 May 2013
The next Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation meeting is scheduled for 1300 PDT/1600 EDT/2000 UTC. THIS CALL WAS CANCELLED.
Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/standcommdraft/
Proposed Agenda:
1. Roll call (1 min)
2. Statements of Interest (2 min)
3. Approval of the agenda (2 min)
4. Charter Revision drafting team (30 mins)
5. Re-submitting a motion (15 mins)
6. Termination and Suspension of a PDP (15 mins) -- Discussion of motion
7. Working Group Guidelines survey (20 mins) -- Survey revision status
8. AOB (5 mins)
For review:
SCI Charter Proposed Revision - CharterReviewTeamv2-130328 .docxActions:
1. Working Group Survey: NOTE UPDATE — Julie conferred with Rob Hoggarth and he suggested that Ken Bour could be asked to redesign the survey. Julie conferred with J.Scott and he agreed that this would be a good idea. Ken has produced a number of surveys for the GNSO and has expertise in this area. If there are no objections from the SCI Julie will contact Ken to request his assistance.
2. Termination/Suspension of a PDP: NOTE UPDATE — Wolf-Ulrich sent a motion and redlined document to the GNSO Council to consider at its meeting on 16 May 2013.
3. Resubmitting a Motion: Under review by the ISP and NCUC Constituencies.
4. SCI Charter Revisions: Continue discussions at the next meeting; Julie and Marika provided transcript and background on the development of the original charter.