06 March 2013
06 March 2013
The next Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation meeting is scheduled for 20 March 2013 at 2100 UTC.
Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/standcommdraft/
Proposed Agenda for 06 March 2013:
1. Roll call (1 min)
2. Statements of Interest (2 min)
3. Approval of the agenda (2 min)
4. Termination and Suspension of a PDP (10 mins)
5. Action on Working Group survey (10 mins)
6. Re-submitting a motion (15 mins)
7. Charter Revision drafting team (15 mins)
8. AOB (5 mins)
For review:
Suspension - Termination Rev 20 February 2013.pdf
GNSO Working Group Survey Comments 24 Jan 2013.pdf
Re-Submitting a Motion Revised 20 February.docx
Actions from 06 March Meeting:
- Termination and Suspension of a PDP — Staff: Submit for Public Comment
- Working Group Guidelines Survey -- Staff: 1) Gather the SCI member comments as examples for Ron Andruff to provide to the Council in Beijing as part of the the update on SCI activities; 2) Provide to the list for review a draft note for Ron Andruff to send to selected Working Groups to request that they take the survey, along with a list of suggested Working Groups
- Re-Submitting a Motion -- SCI members: Circulate the options to their Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies; Staff: Put at the top of the agenda for the next meeting
- Charter Revision Drafting Team -- The Drafting Team is taking a look at the charter and proposing a bullet-point list of suggested areas of revision; next meeting is 14 March at 2000 UTC/1300 PDT/1600 EDT