08 October 2013
The next Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation meeting is scheduled for 08 October 2013 at 19:00 UTC for 1 hour (12:00 PST , 15:00 EST, 20:00 London, 21:00 CET)
Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/standcommdraft/
Proposed Agenda:
1. Roll call (1 min)
2. Statements of Interest (2 min)
3. Approval of the agenda (2 min)
4. Re-submitting a motion (10 mins)
5. SCI charter revision (20 mins)
6. Working Group self assessment (10 mins)
7. New Work Items from GNSO Council: Voting by email and the possible inclusion of a waiver/exception in the GNSO Operating Procedures (15 mins)
8. AOB (5 mins)
For review:
Notes / Actions from 09 September Meeting:
1. Resubmitting a motion: Anne Aikman-Scalese volunteered to consider suggesting language. Anne provided the update that the draft changes were submitted to IPC Leadership yesterday for review no later than Monday, October 7. She noted that although she cannot attend the call on 08 October Greg Shatan will be carrying the ball as alternate for that meeting. Greg was copied on the draft changes and will be getting feedback from IPC Leadership prior to the October 8 call.
2 SCI Charter: Consider the changes to the charter and submit a final version to the GNSO Council; the GNSO Council is considering whether to change the decision-making methodology.
3. Working Group Self Assessment: Mickey sent an invite to the WG. He provided an update that the WG currently does not have time to focus on providing comments at this time, but could do so after it completes its current work.
4. Voting my email and possible inclusion of a waiver/exception: Staff will develop a list of how many votes are taken throughout the year and when votes have been held outside of a regularly scheduled GNSO Council meeting.