ATLAS III Sessions and Reporting
ATLAS III Sessions and Reporting
Once the ATLAS III program is finalized, a plan to be put for engaging ATLAS III participants in reporting each session and developing a daily synthesis reports.
- A synthesis of the sessions reporting (ATLAS Participants reporting co-leads will compile all the reporting from the individual ATLAS participants, The reports will be included in the Appendix for all the sessions. A guidelines will be given to participants to have a uniform style of reporting )
- A synthesis of follow-up or (action plans) discussed in the session (ATLAS Participants for capturing future action co-leads will compile all the reporting from the individual ATLAS participants. The follow-ups will be included in Appendix for all the sessions. A guidelines will be given to participants to have a uniform style of reporting)
- A synthesis of the overall session feedback (ATLAS Participants to conduct unified simple feedback after each session. They will ask the session attendees two questions: 1 what did they like about this session? and what do they recommend if the session needed to be conducted differently. The feedback per session will be included in the Appendix. A guidelines will be given to participants to have a uniform style getting the feedback )
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