Action Items: 2017-05-03 AFRALO General Assembly Organising Committee Call
Action Items: 2017-05-03 AFRALO General Assembly Organising Committee Call
Gisella Gruber to change the name of the Committee and all calls to AFRALO Activities at ICANN59
Sarah K to send an email to the members of each sub group asking them to reconfirm their membership and to get in contact with her to coordinate activities.
Tijani BEN JEMAA to send to staff the list and dates of the two remaining Webinars in preparation for the Johannesburg meeting.
First webinar will take place on Thursday 4 May 2017 from 16:00 to 17:00 UTC.- What ICANN is, mission, policies, constituencies, groups etc
The second webinar will focus on Activities for AFRALO at Johannesburg
The third webinar will have as objective to organize ALSes in small groups so each group can have a mentor so each group can participate in certain meetings.
Tijani BEN JEMAA to coordinate a small WG to work on the details of Capacity building activities.
Tijani BEN JEMAAto coordinate with the Mentors who voluntereed at the last call: Seun Ojedeji 2. Otieno Barrack 3. Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong (French)4. Baudouin Schombe (French).
Sarah Kand aziz.hilalito check language preference of ALS. Four EN speaking groups to be formed and 4 FR speaking groups. This will be done before Johannesburg.
aziz.hilali, Tijani BEN JEMAA and Sarah K to follow up with Heidi Ullrich about inviting or visiting ISOC Soweto Wireless group
Gisella Gruber to note request to allocate 2 hrs for the General Assembly Program.
DRAFT Agenda
First section of Agenda
1.- Information
2. Discussion
3. Goran Marby to be invited for 5 mins speech
4. Alan Greenberg
5. AFRALO members to speak: Fatimata, Tijani and Mohamed and the elected AFRALO chair
Second part of meeting
Improvement of ALS engagement
Performance Review of members
Programs for ALSes
Feedback from ALSes
All VIPs to be asked to give short speeaches followed by 5 mins of Q & A sessions
Heidi Ullrich to follow up with Goran Marby to invite him to participate at the GA to intereact with AFRALO ALSes.
5. Promotional Items
Sarah K to follow up on the possibility to have t-shirts, pens, ribbons/pins
Silvia Vivanco to follow up with Comms department on AFRALO flyer and business card (500 per language) USB drives
6. Showcase
Gisella Gruber to follow up on Showcase details with Aziz. Tijani and Sarah.