Dakar Forum on DNS Abuse
Format: Most of the online crimes you hear of abuse the Domain Name System in some way. Whether a scam artist hides his identity by hosting his website behind an orphaned record, or a phisher registers a domain intended to resemble a famous brand, abuse of the DNS involves many ICANN stakeholders. Consumers and businesses can be victims of abuse, legitimate service providers might see criminals and fraudsters use those very services to commit offenses. This Forum is part of a continuing dialogue where the different stakeholders affected by DNS abuse can share information and ideas for responding to such abuse.
Moderator: Nii Narku Quaynor (Former ICANN Board Director)
The moderator will outline the purpose of the Forum, explain the format and panel topics. The moderator will also provide opening remarks.
Session 1: Latest Developments in the Fight against DNS Abuse
Panel: Pierre Danjineau (INFOCOM, former AFRINIC Board Member, Benin), Lanre Ajayi (Pinet Informatics, Nigeria), Frederick Gaudreau (Sûreté du Québec, Canada), and Gary Kibby (Serious Organized Crime Agency, United Kingdom)
This session highlights the latest developments in the fight against DNS-related abuse such as phishing, malware and crimeware. The speakers will address the regional challenges faced in Africa in responding to DNS-related abuse.
Questions and Answers
Session 2: Evolution of Domain Name Take-Downs
Panel: Michael Moran (INTERPOL), Rod Rasmussen (Anti-Phishing Working Group, USA), Don Blumenthal (US, Public Interest Registry), Titi Akinsamni, (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa)
In recent times, domain take-downs processes for dealing with cyber-crime and other malicious conduct involving domain names have evolved from theory to practice. In the absence of uniform ICANN policies to address these concerns, security professionals, law enforcement agencies and private companies rely on voluntary cooperation, or legal process to accomplish these take-downs. The panelists will explore the effectiveness or challenges associated with these practices, and what role, if any, should ICANN play in the evolution of domain-name take-down practices.
Questions and Answers
Closing Remarks (Moderator)
The Forum on DNS Abuse has turned into one of the more popular recurring sessions at ICANN international meetings. Join us for informative, up-to-the-minute reports from the global war against DNS abuse.
Biographies of the Moderator and Panelists
Nii Narku Quaynor
Affiliation: Chairman, Ghana Dot Com Ltd
City: Accra
Country: Ghana
Nii Quaynor graduated from Dartmouth College in 1972 with B.A (Engineering Science) and received a Ph.D (Computer Science) in distributed systems in 1977 from S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook.
Nii worked with Digital Equipment Corporation in U.S.A from 1977 till 1992 when he retired and returned to Ghana to establish the first Internet Service operated by Network Computer Systems (NCS) in West Africa in 1993.
Nii had earlier on in 1979 established the Computer Science department at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana.
Nii is the Convener of the African Network Operators Group (AfNOG), a network technology transfer institution since 2000 and the founding Chairman of AfriNIC, the African numbers registry
Nii in the past taught microprocessors with International Center for Theoretical Physics in several developing countries including Sri Lanka, Mexico, China and Colombia. Nii worked for Ghana National Petroleum Corporation and was also the Director of Enterprise Africa a UN Project
Nii has served on several Boards including ICANN and had been a member of the UN ICT Task Force and the Council of University of Ghana. Nii is a member of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group.
Nii is the Chairman of Ghana Dot Com LTD and an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at University of Cape-Coast, Ghana.
In 2007 Nii was honored with the Internet Society’s prestigious Jonathan Postel Service Award for his vision and pioneering work that helped countless others to spread the Internet across Africa
Nii is the Chairman of the Board of the National IT Agency (NITA), a member of the Board of Ghana Interbank Payment Settlement System (GhIPPS) of the Bank of Ghana and the National Identification Authority (NIA)
Captain Frederick Gaudreau
Captain Frederick Gaudreau is a member of the Sûreté du Québec, technical and technological support unit. He manages the activities inherent to the Cybercrime area for the Surete du Quebec. He coordinates several major investigation files as well as a multitude of development projects in partnership with organizations dedicated to the fight against cybercrime. Mr.Gaudreau represents the Sûreté du Québec on several committees and study groups such as the Canadian Federal/Provincial/Territorial study group on cybercrime, Francopol, and the Association Francophone des Spécialistes en Investigation Numérique. He also represented the Sûreté du Québec during several symposiums and conventions in Québec, Canada and Internationally.
Lanre Ajayi
Lanre Ajayi had his Bachelors and Masters degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. He worked for the Nigeria Telecomunications Ltd (NITEL) for 11 years before establishing Pinet Informatics, which became one of the first Internet Service Providers in Nigeria.
Lanre Ajayi has served as the Vice-President of the Internet Service providers Association of Nigeria (ISPAN) and as the Vice-Chairman of African ISP Association (AfrISPA). He is a co-founder and the immediate Past President of the Nigeria Internet Group (NIG), a Non Profit Organisation committed to the promotion of the Internet in Nigeria. He is a founding member of Africa Network Information Center (AfriNIC). He has also served on the council of the Nigerian Computer Society (NCS) as the Chairman of Research and Statistics committee. He was Chairman of Technical committee on the Nigeria Country Code Top Level Domain Name (.ng). He was also the Chairman of ISPAN committee on the implementation of the Nigeria Internet Exchange Point.
Lanre Ajayi has served Nigeria in several capacities. He served as a member of the National Cybercrime Working Group (NCWG). He also served on the Federal Government committee on the National University Network (NUNet). He was appointed as a member of the Presidential task force for the restructuring of the Information and Communication Technology sector in Nigeria.
He is a member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), a Fellow of the Nigerian Computer Society (NCS) and a registered member of the Computer Professional Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN).
Lanre Ajayi was listed as one of the icons of Information and Communication Technology in Nigeria in a compendium compiled in the year 2004 and was named the Nigerian ICT personality of the year 2007.
Titi Akinsanmi
Mrs. Titi Akinsanmi is an academic serving as a researcher, lecturer and prospective PhD candidate with the LINK centre, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. She holds a Masters in Management specializing in Knowledge Management for the development sector from the University of Witswatersrand. Her experience spans both the public and private sectors consulting for a range of international institutions including AfriNIC, the World Bank Institute, IICD, Mindset, UN-GAID, UNECA, SchoolNet Africa and MTech Communications. She initiated, managed and or led delivery on projects and initiatives for ICT & development, ICT& Education, the Information Society, Internet Governance, Telecom Value Added Products & Services within Nigeria, South Africa and across over 30 other nations world wide. She has engaged with dynamic policy processes nationally, regionally and internationally in particular as it spanned the sessions on the World Summit on the Information Society, Internet Governance and ICT for Education. She served two terms on nomination of the UN Secretary General, on the Internet Governance Forum Advisory Group, and as High-Level adviser of the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT for Development amongst other roles. Since 2005 she has served as a jury member of the World Summit Awards and on the board of the world Summit Youth Awards as well as on other non-profit organizations boards in Nigeria and South Africa. Her area of growing expertise as a project manager and strategist is in policy research & development focused on the Knowledge Society, ICT4D, Universal access and service provision), and the Internet ecosystem.
Pierre Danjinou
Pierre Dandjinou is the Director at INFOCOM intelligence, Chairman at AfriNIC at ICANN, E-Governance Advisor at the United Nations Development Program, and the President of the Benin ISOC Chapter.[1|https://community.icann.org/#cite_note-0]
Pierre was a Regional Policy Advisor on ICT for Development at SURF/UNDP, Africa. He served as a Programme Officer for UNDP (1997-2000); in this position, he coordinated the Africa node of the Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP).
Pierre is involved with many IT related initiatives on the continent, and is a member of various Advisory Committees including AfriNIC, the African Internet Registry, the At-Large Advisory Committee at ICANN, and the Global Internet Policy Initiative. Pierre is Chairman of AfriNIC.
Pierre’s current specific areas of interest are e-strategies, e-governance and e-Parliaments as means for fostering use of ICTs for human development in Africa.
Mr. Michael Moran
Mr Michael Moran is the coordinator of the Crimes against Children team at INTERPOL’s Trafficking in Human Beings Sub-Directorate. He is a specialist in online Child exploitation and has worked in Interpol since 2006. He is a seconded officer from An Garda Síochána; Ireland’s National Police Force and has worked in this area since 1997. He has worked in Patrol, Drugs, Serious Crime and Computer Crime.
He also did a time as a court presenter where he dealt with police prosecutions to the Dublin District Courts.
Prior to coming to Interpol he was managing the child exploitation response at the Computer Crime Unit, GBFI, in Dublin.
Michael holds a diploma in project management, a BA (IT) and a MSc. in Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation from the University College Dublin centre for cybercrime investigation.