Association for Technology and Internet (APTI)

Association for Technology and Internet (APTI)

Association for Technology and Internet (APTI)

Adela Danciu


Asociatie inregistrata in Registrul Asociatiilor din Sectorul 3 Bucuresti - Nr. 10/2004

Association for Technology and Internet (APTI)

We started with the belief that we can change something. Avem speranta ca impreuna putem reduce stresul provocat si timpul/banii pierduti din cauza activitatilor ilegale de care ne lovim zi de zi, in zona .ro. We hope that together we can reduce stress and time / money lost due to illegal activities that we face every day, in the area. Com. Asta pe termen scurt. This short term.Pe termen mediu si lung, ne propunem sa stopam definitiv aceste activitati. Medium and long term, we intend to permanently stop these activities.
Ne place sa credem ca impreuna vom putea reusi. We like to think that together we can succeed. Si daca succesul nostru nu va atinge 100% din ceea ce ne-am propus, noi vom fi multumiti cu un procent de reusita de 75%. And if our success will not reach 100% of what we proposed, we will be happy with a success rate of 75%.
Restul il vom lasa altora. The rest we'll leave to others.
Ce credem noi: What we believe:

  • spam-ul este enervant (mai ales cel din Romania) dar poate depinde si de noi sa ii putem micsora efectele. spam is annoying (especially the one in Romania) but may also depend on us to we can lessen the effects. Acum - cit este la inceput. Now - how is the beginning.
  • dreptul de autor trebuie protejat in mod adecvat fara a neglija drepturile utilizatorilor. copyright should be protected adequately without neglecting the rights of users. Trebuie de asemenea create metode prin care cei ce doresc a publica ceva pe Internet sa o poate face simplu si sa aiba posibilitatea sa isi drepturile pe care le doresc You must also create methods by which those who wish to publish something on the Internet can make simple and can have their rights that they want
  • solutiile open-source pot fi luate in considerare mult mai in serios. open-source solutions can be considered more seriously. In special de autoritatile publice In particular, public authorities
  • nu trebuie facute discriminari in reglementarea Internetului fata de alte mijloace de comunicare in masa. discrimination should not be performed in regulating the Internet than other mass media. Principiul neutralitatii tehnologice ar trebui respectat in fiecare act normativ The principle of technological neutrality should be respected in each bill
  • continutul de pe Internet in limba romana trebuie sustinut de catre Guvern, Industrie si Organizatii nonguvernamentale, iar cultura digitala promovata ca orice alt tip de cultura Internet content in Romanian should be supported by government, industry and nongovernmental organizations, and digital culture promoted like any other type of culture
  • dezvoltarea legislatiei care are legatura cu Internet-ul trebuie sa fie facuta pe baza consultarii intr-un proces legislativ deschis si transparent develop legislation that relates to the Internet must be made on the basis of consultation in an open and transparent legislative process
  • continutul de pe Internet nu trebuie supus la restrictii care le depasesc pe cele aplicate altor mijloace de furnizare de continut. Internet content should not be subjected to restrictions that exceed those applied to other means of content delivery.
  • reglementarea excesiva trebuie sa fie evitata pentru a nu impiedica dezvoltarea Internet-ului ; auto-reglementarea si co-reglementarea trebuie sustinute Excessive regulation should be avoided in order not to prevent development of the Internet, self-regulation and co-regulation should be supported
  • legea ar trebui sa protejeze dreptul persoanelor sa caute, primeasca, transmita, produce si distribui informatii si idei in mod liber the law should protect people's right to seek, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information and ideas freely
  • brevetele software nu sunt cea mai buna solutie pentru dezvoltarea domeniului. Software patents are not the best solution to develop the area. Trebuie gasite solutii suplimentare si intelese toate punctele de vedere Additional solutions must be found and understood all points of view
  • legea ar trebui sa protejeze dreptul persoanelor la viata privata si la protectia datelor personale, inclusiv pe Internet the law should protect people's right to privacy and personal data protection, including the Internet
  • pentru a asigura protectia importiva supravegherii online si a spori libera exprimare a informatiilor si ideilor, statul trebuie sa respecte vointa utilizatorilor de Internet de a nu isi face cunoscuta identitatea. to ensure protection against online surveillance and to enhance free expression of information and ideas, the state must respect the users of the Internet will not disclose their identity.

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