Internet Support Foundation
Internet Support Foundation is a nonprofit, noncommercial organization, registered due to Russian rules in Moscow.
The Foundation was established by Coordination Center for TLD RU (CC for TLD RU) that is an administrator of national top-level domains .RU and .РФ (national registry) in 2012.
The mission of the Foundation is Internet development in Russian domain zones in the interests of Russian internet society and end-users. Foundation pays special attention to Internet Governance and Internet security from users’ perspective. As an initiator and sponsor of researches, seminars and conferences on these topics the Foundation welcomes and encourages participation of various stakeholders and civil society and end-users in particular in such workshops and conferences. Being end-user oriented the Foundation focuses on delivering meaningful public literacy and awareness-raising research and advocacy.
The subjects of Foundation’s activity are:
1) Supporting of projects focused on Internet’s development and expansion and facilitating Internet progress
2) Supporting of information and telecommunication fields and corresponding educational activity
3) Leading researches concerned with Internet’s support, development and expansion
4) Organization and leading of workshops, round-table discussions, conferences exhibition and other activities concerned with expansion of Internet-technologies
5) Elaboration of statutory acts’ projects aimed at improving Internet legislation
6) Establishing and publication of Internet mass media
7) Charities