Wikimedia Österreich

Wikimedia Österreich

Wikimedia Österreich
Philip Kopetzky

Manuel Schneider

Wikimedia Österreich
Siebensterngasse 25/15
1070 Wien

Wikimedia Österreich

Wikimedia Österreich promotes Free Knowledge in Austria

Free Knowledge is based on the fundamental need to share knowledge and experience and on the ability to impart these. We define Free Knowledge as the free access to digital data, information and cultural assets, in particular in Wikipedia and its sister projects. To make this possible, we cooperate with partners from civil society, public administration, business, science, and culture.

Wikimedia Österreich is a learning and responsible organisation

We aspire to a responsible organisational structure with clearly regulated responsibilities for the Board of Trustees, the others who participate actively in the association, regardless of their membership, and the employees. The aim is to create the best possible conditions for voluntary activities in and with the association, and in doing so, to use the resources available to us in a sustainable manner.

Wikimedia Österreich unites people who work to advocate Free Knowledge

Volunteers who are involved in Wikimedia Österreich are enthusiastic about the concept of Free Knowledge inside and outside of Wikipedia. They are from all walks of life, consider digital media as a means of reaching the widest possible circles of society and want to contribute to making knowledge in Austria and beyond free and accessible to all.

Wikimedia Österreich is part of a global movement for the advancement of Free Knowledge

Wikimedia Österreich is a strong, independent chapter in the global community of the Wikimedia movement and works to advocate the propagation of Free Knowledge in Austria and with partners in neighbouring countries. Our special mission within the Wikimedia movement is the support of volunteers based in Austria and collaboration with organisations based in Austria.

Our projects: