Action items: 2022-11-22 EURALO Board Teleconference

Action items: 2022-11-22 EURALO Board Teleconference

  • Filina Natalia to send a EURALO Newsletter in the next week or so. Members are requested to forward to their networks.
  • EURALO Board to assess their communications needs. 
  • EURALO Board to consider raising the issue of individual membership onboarding and mentorship.
  • Gisella Gruber and sebastien.bachollet to schedule the EURALO ICANN76 read out or Tuesday, 28 March 2023 for two hours. 
  •  The dates of the EuroDIG likely to be moved to later in June - perhaps starting on the 19th of June 2023. 
  •  Silvia Vivanco , Gisella Gruber and Michelle DeSmyter to schedule a RALO coordination meeting through a Doodle once agreed by Augusto and Claire, LACRALO leads. jonathan.zuck to be invited. 
  • sebastien.bachollet and Gisella Gruber to arrange to call the ALS reps that have not responded. 
  • Next Board call is 6 December 2022 and will focus on the agenda for the EURALO Monthly Meeting.