Work Team D 20.01.11 Action Items

Work Team D 20.01.11 Action Items


Dev to discuss with Carlton (a) the work of the proposed cross-regional committee to determine policy issues warranting RALO comments and (b) the inclusion of this input into the new ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart.

WT D members to review New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart (Dec 2010)_ver 6 and WT D Simplified Improvements Outline and suggest updates for presentation to ALAC on 25 January.

  • Any input to be discussed in 3 Feb meeting during AI review.

Heidi, along with Beau, to make the updating and consolidation of the consumer documents a priority (see WT D outline of consolidated consumer documents).

Rudi to check with the ccNSO PDP WG regarding whether (a) there is material WT D can review and (b) its PDP contains a means of considering ALAC input (see ccNSO IDN PDP at http://www.ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/ipwg1.htm).

Dev, with Seth’s help, to reach out to Charles and Hong to get their suggested times for WT D calls.