RySG Membership Meeting - ICANN66

RySG Membership Meeting - ICANN66

ICANN66 – Registry Stakeholder Group Membership Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, 05 November 2019  / TIME: 8:30-12:00

Room:  511C (GNSO)

ICANN66 Schedule link: https://66.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1116830 AND https://66.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1116831

RySG membership meeting

ICANN 66 - Montreal

8:30             Welcome and Update from the Chair - Donna Austin

  1. Welcome new RySG members
  2. Thank you to Rubens Kuhl for service on GNSO Council
  3. Thank you to Jon Nevett for service on NomCom
  4. Thank you to Elaine Pruis for service on the CSC
  5. Thank you to Erica Varlese for service on the Evo4 WG

9:00             RySG Administrative Business

  1. Treasurer’s Report - Jonathan Robinson
  2. Evolution 4 Working Group –Beth Bacon
  3. Public Comments update - Samantha Demetriou

9:45             GNSO Council Update - Keith Drazek

10:15            *Break*

10:30            RySG Policy Issues and Topics

  1. DNS Abuse - Donna Austin

11:15            PSWG joins RySG meeting

12:15            Group photo then lunch break

12:30            RySG Working Lunch

  1. Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Update - Gaurav Vedi
  2. PTI Strategic Plan - Kim Davies, Lise Fuhr

13:00            RySG with ICANN org GDD, Compliance, Finance

 (25 minutes)     Compliance - Jamie Hedlund

  • Compliance audit and understanding the intent of recommended dialog between ICANN Org and registry operators
  • Educate registry operators on their CZDS obligations 
  • [Technical Services/Compliance topics to be provided]

(45 minutes)      GDD - Russ Weinstein 

  • Operational Improvements to PICDRP Update
  • Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) Tables
  • 2020 GDD Industry Summit
  • RDAP - RA/RAA Amendments 
  • Registration Data Policy Implementation
  • Protection for Certain Red Cross Names in All gTLDs

 (20 minutes)    Finance - Xavier Calvez

  • Update on planning and Finance 

14:30            RySG WG Updates

  1. Subsequent Procedures Update - Jeff Neuman
    • Work Track 5 (Geographic Names) - Martin Sutton
  2. EPDP & IRT Update - Alan Woods, Marc Anderson, Matt Crossman
  3. RPM PDP WG Update - Phil Corwin

15:00            *break*