Joint ccNSO/GNSO Council Meeting - Montréal
Joint ccNSO/GNSO Council Meeting - Montréal
ICANN66 – Joint ccNSO/GNSO Council MeetingDATE: Monday, 04 November 2019 / TIME: 12:15-13:15Room: 511C (GNSO)ICANN66 Schedule link: https://66.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1116823 |
AGENDA: jointccNSOGNSO_agenda.pdf
- Decision making on PTI SLA changes (request will be forthcoming): SLA IDN tables processing time
- Progress developing Joint procedure to initiate Special IAN Function Review ( required under the Bylaws).
- Coordination of policy development efforts pertaining to IDNs
- CCWG Auction proceeds: progress to date and anticipation of next steps required under the charter from the GNSO and ccNSO (Councils)
- Coordination comment efforts ICANN planning ( FY 21 Ops Plan and budget, other)
- Evolution of the MSM: are there any anticipated next steps from ccNSO and/or GNSO Council?
- Closure