GNSO Working Session - Montréal

GNSO Working Session - Montréal

ICANN66 – GNSO Working Session

DATE: Sunday, 03 November 2019  / TIME: 9:00-15:00

Room:  511C (GNSO)

ICANN66 Schedule link: https://66.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1116818https://66.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1116821 

AND https://66.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1116820 

AGENDA: Session slide deck


Agenda item




Welcome by the Chair

Keith Drazek

09:10- 09:20

Update by IDN Scoping team

Keith Drazek, Edmon Chung


RPM Charter Update for IGO Protections Work Team

Redline with GAC/IGO feedback: https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/ismail-to-drazek-01nov19-en.pdf

Keith Drazek, Paul McGrady

09:50 - 10:15

Meeting with Finance

Five Year Operating Plan & Financial Plan

FY21 Operating Plan

FY19 Financials/FY20 Updates

Accountability & Transparency reporting – specific reports published by the ICANN finance team

Slide Deck

Keith Drazek, Xavier Calvez

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee break

10:30 - 10:50

GDD Implementation Update

Slide deck

Keith Drazek, Dennis Chang

10:50 - 11:15

ATRT3 meeting with the Chairs

Slide deck

Cheryl & Pat Kane

11:15 - 11:30

EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 27 and prioritization of GNSO Council work plan on other impacted policies

Keith Drazek

11:30 - 12:15

Prep for ccNSO, GAC and Board sessions

GAC topics: 
  • Discussion of Curative Rights Developments (including new RPM Charter)
  • Discussion of respective community interests involving the proceeding regarding ICANN’s Evolving Multistakeholder Model ( & PDP 3.0)
  • Update on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Matters (including WT5); 
  • Discussion of EPDP Phase 2 developments (if necessary and not adequately covered during other ICANN66 sessions)

ccNSO topics: 

  • Decision making on PTI SLA changes : SLA IDN tables processing time
  • Progress developing Joint procedure to initiate Special IAN Function Review ( required under the Bylaws).
  • Coordination of policy development efforts pertaining to IDNs
  • CCWG Auction proceeds: progress to date and anticipation of next steps required under the charter from the GNSO and ccNSO (Councils)
  • Coordination comment efforts ICANN planning ( FY 21 Ops Plan and budget, other)
  • Evolution of the MSM: are there any anticipated next steps from ccNSO and/or GNSO Council?
  • AOB
  • Closure

Keith Drazek

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch meeting with the Board - confirmed.

Topics sent to the Board 

Board topic: Community, Board and ICANN org readiness to implement the following three critical plans that will shape ICANN’s future. : (1) Strategic Plan FY 21-25, (2) Operating & Financial Plan FY 21-25, and (3) Work Plan to improve the effectiveness of ICANN’s multistakeholder model.”

Board Slide Deck

Keith Drazek

13:20 - 14:00

PDP3.0 Update & discussion with Brian Cute

Slide deck

Rafik Dammak, Brian Cute

14:00 - 14:20

Update from Bylaws DT

Slide deck

Keith Drazek, Heather Forrest

14:20 - 14:35

Q&A with GNSO Liaison to the GAC candidate

Keith Drazek, Julf Helsingius

14:35 - 15:00

Q&A with GNSO Chair Candidate

Pam Little, Rafik Dammak