CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.9.19 - Adobe Chat
Michele Neylon:yay
Leon Sanchez:Lot of weight in just one person. In every way
Alain Bidron:good
Leon Sanchez:I'm sorry but I seem to be having issues with the "flas plugin" and keeps me coming in and out
Leon Sanchez:I don't think it changes our objective
Leon Sanchez:I think we should continue the follow up
Alain Bidron:The ICANN CEO priorities given by the Board are not to concentrate any more on Net Mundial initiatives... it doesn't mean that the iCANN community shouldn't keep an eye on Netmundial initiatives
Leon Sanchez:Should we be looking as a group to the proposed bylaw changes that give the GAC a bigger weight?
Greg Shatan:FYI, Amr Elsadr posted the following on the GNSO Council email list on Wednesday: I noticed that the CCWG on Internet Governance charter is not on the agenda. We didn��t have very much to say about it during our last call, but my understanding is that the CCWG-IG is keen to have its charter ratified by the different SOs/ACs.Should we put aside a few minutes for discussion of the charter on the 25th?
Michele Neylon:+1
Michele Neylon:there's a lot of stuff going on
Michele Neylon:I'm tempted to yawn
Michele Neylon:sorry
Bill Drake:I don't know that i agree with this interpretation Olivier
Bill Drake:I'd speak but I'm having constant Adobe crashes, plug in failures
Bill Drake:if I connect my audio it crashes
Bill Drake:Point I'd make is that there are numerous people in the community with extensive experience in IG processes outside ICANN but there's been little real effort to engage them in a community-staff process
Bill Drake:In NCSG meetings with the board over the years I pressed this point many times, tried to find out what the board was doing, got little
Bill Drake:anyone know how to fix a plug in failure on Adobe?
Bill Drake:that would be helpful
Michele Neylon:update flash
Michele Neylon:if you're on an older version it could be causing you issues
Bill Drake:I have updated flash
Bill Drake:but thanks
Michele Neylon:update your browser?
Bill Drake:this never happened before
Michele Neylon:buy a new computer?
Michele Neylon:/me ducks
Bill Drake:there you go
Bill Drake:so are we meeting there on Wednesday?
Bill Drake:ha ha
Bill Drake:any time clashes
Bill Drake:On your action item I am involved in the NMI
Leon Sanchez:Thanks everyone
Alex Dans:See you in Los Angeles, gracias :)
Bill Drake:ciao
Alain Bidron:bie
Avri Doria:bye
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Bill thanks -- yes I know you're involved in NMI
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks everyone