17 October 2019

17 October 2019

Members:  Katrina Sataki, Souleymane Oumtanaga, Stephen Deerhake, Pablo Rodriguez, Alejandra Reynoso, Nick Wenban-Smith, Demi Getschko, Adebiyi Oladipo, Hiro Hotta, Margarita Valdes (9)

NomCom/Observers/Liasons/Regional Organizations:  Miguel Ignacio Estrada, Barrack Otieno, Jian Zhang, Peter Van Roste, Laura Margolis, Philippe Fouquart

Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson

Apologies:  Abdalla Omari, Giovanni Seppia, Byron Holland

Did not attend - no apology sent:  Young Eum Lee

Recording: Zoom Playback

Minutes EN
Transcript: ccNSO Council Call-Oct-17.pdf

Agenda:  Agenda and draft resolutions 17 October v1.pdf


Chat Transcript:

06:00:52 From Kimberly Carlson : Welcome to today’s ccNSO Council call on 17 October at 12:00 UTC. In the interest of time, attendance will be taken based on those on Zoom. Apologies from: Abdalla Omari and Jordan Carter. As a reminder, all calls are recorded and transcribed. Meeting output will be posted on the wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/V4UlBg. Please also remember to mute your phones and mics while others are speaking to avoid background noise.
06:01:03 From Stephen Deerhake : 1AM in Wellington...;-)
06:01:14 From Stephen Deerhake : Minutes look fine BTW...
06:03:04 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : Thank you Katrina and all :)
06:05:57 From Stephen Deerhake : You're most welcome Katrina. ;-)
06:05:59 From Stephen Deerhake : I move
06:06:01 From Stephen Deerhake : I second
06:07:23 From Stephen Deerhake : Thank you everyone!
06:11:46 From Stephen Deerhake : Thank you Nick. The format will be similar to the Approval Forum I ran back in JNB.
06:12:48 From Philippe Fouquart : and it's indeed a pending question to the GNSO constituencies, relayed by the GNSO council
06:19:47 From joke.braeken : note that the ccNSO monthly newsletter lately includes highlights from the ccNSO Council
06:20:20 From Margarita : Thanks Joke
06:20:22 From Margarita : :-)
06:26:44 From Margarita : Katrina, Patricio is available to resign the secondment of Imossi
06:27:14 From Margarita : this could help about double “secondment”
06:33:41 From Hiro Hotta : Thank you
06:33:44 From Stephen Deerhake : +1 Katrina for comments regarding Hiro
06:34:21 From Demi Getschko : We will miss you, Hiro!
06:35:37 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : +1 Hiro, we will miss you
06:36:42 From Stephen Deerhake : Working on the Review segment...
06:37:48 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : Also on paralel to TLD-OPS workshop
06:38:00 From Kimberly Carlson : I will send calendar invites for all the Council sessions, including RP details
06:40:14 From Stephen Deerhake : Can you circulate the slide deck at your convenience?
06:40:25 From joke.braeken : ICANN66 ccNSO-related links to bookmark now and useful prep material: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-2-16oct19-en.htm
06:42:27 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : ccnso.agenda@gmail.com
06:42:48 From Kimberly Carlson : I will send the (revised) networking event registration link next week
06:45:10 From Stephen Deerhake : As I am not able to attend the social event, do I need to proactively indicate that somewhere?
06:46:22 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : Stephen, I don't think so, unless you have already RSVP and need to change that ;)
06:57:09 From Stephen Deerhake : Thank you for your service on the MPC BTW Alejandra!
06:57:37 From Peter Van Roste (CENTR) : Thank you so much Alejandra for your relentless work over these past years!
06:58:04 From Peter Van Roste (CENTR) : And fabulous news re. your replacement.
06:58:14 From Margarita : Thank you very much Alejandra for your awesome work!!
06:58:14 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : Thank you :)
06:58:21 From Margarita : <3
06:58:37 From Hiro Hotta : Thank you very much Alejandra
06:59:02 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : ^_^
06:59:20 From joke.braeken : The CCWG AP will meet next week Wednesday and on Wednesday in Montreal
06:59:43 From Pablo Rodriguez : Thank you Alejandra for your significant contributions!!
07:05:51 From Stephen Deerhake : Can we get a link to the IANA Transfer public comment that was mentioned a few minutes back?
07:07:47 From Stephen Deerhake : I believe the word you're looking for Katrina is "Dinosaur" ;-)
07:08:00 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : Hahaha :D
07:08:10 From Margarita : Veterans?
07:08:10 From Stephen Deerhake : I certainly consider myself one!
07:08:19 From Margarita : seniors?
07:08:26 From Margarita : jajajajjaa
07:08:30 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : Old-timers ?
07:08:36 From Margarita : old comers?
07:08:48 From Margarita : commers?
07:09:03 From Stephen Deerhake : I just pick my tail up when I go from room to room so the youngsters don't step on it!
07:09:30 From Katrina Sataki : I thought you had wings to fly from one room to another
07:09:58 From Stephen Deerhake : No, I lumber from room to room...
07:10:03 From Margarita : perfect! Can I join you?
07:10:17 From Kimberly Carlson : thank you all,bye
07:10:19 From Peter Van Roste (CENTR) : Bye!
07:10:21 From Stephen Deerhake : Bye everyone! See you in Canada!
07:10:21 From Nick Wenban-Smith, Nominet : bye!
07:10:22 From Margarita : thanks