AFRALO input into WT C SWOT analyses
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At-Large Improvements WT C (on ALAC/At-Large's planning processes) is responsible for implementing Recommendations 5 and 6 to come out of the Final Report of the ALAC Review WG on ALAC Improvements:
- Rec 5: ALAC should develop strategic/operational plans as part of ICANN’s planning process.
- Rec 6: At-Large should develop accurate cost models.
To complete this mandate, WT C is compiling three SWOT analyses (SWOT = strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) on ALAC/At-Large's:
- Strategic planning;
- Operational planning; and
- Budgetary planning.
As the next step, WT C would like to collect contributions to each of these three SWOT analyses from the RALOs' ALSes.
Instructions for AFRALO
WT C is asking each RALO to collect contributions from its ALSes to the three SWOT analyses below, which cover the ALAC/At-Large's (a) strategic, (b) operational, and (c) budgetary planning. This request is a chance for your ALSes to directly influence ALAC/At-Large planning processes and procedures. (Note: This request is separate from the ALAC's recent request for the RALOs' comments specifically on ICANN's FY2010-14 Strategic Plan.)
At present, each of the three SWOT tables lists the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats determined by WT C. We are now asking the ALSes to add to each of these lists. In considering its input, each ALS (along with its RALO) may review the points being added by the ALSes of the other RALOs; links to the SWOT contribution page of each RALO can be found on the main WT C workspace page.
To proceed, we would like each RALO's leadership (or appointee) to "hold the pen" -- that is, to collect its ALSes' input (in whatever manner it sees fit), consolidate that input if it wishes, and to enter it into the below three SWOT tables. Therefore, we have given AFRALO's chairperson, vice chair, and secretariat editing rights to this page. (Please let us know if you would like us to grant editing rights to any other RALO member.)
When adding the points below that your ALSes would like to contribute, please:
- Place new points underneath those already in the SWOT tables;
- Add the points in English;
- Use a color other than black;
- Do not number/letter the points you add (even though the points already listed are numbered/lettered); and
- Feel free to use the designations "+1," "+2," etc. after any point already in a SWOT table with which your ALSes strongly agree.
Deadline: Please add your ALSes' contributions as soon as possible but no later than three business days after February's AFRALO meeting -- that is, Monday, 7 February.
Thank you very much. If you have any questions, please contact Seth Greene, the At-Large Improvements Manager, at
A. SWOT on ALAC/At-Large strategic planning
This SWOT analysis relates to Rec. 5: ALAC should develop strategic/operational plans as part of ICANN’s planning process.
B. SWOT on ALAC/At-Large operational planning
This SWOT analysis relates to Rec. 5: ALAC should develop strategic/operational plans as part of ICANN’s planning process.
C. SWOT on ALAC/At-Large budgetary planning
This SWOT analysis relates to Rec. 6: At-Large should develop accurate cost models.
C.S - STRENGTHS C.S.1 - Membership diversity can bring talent C.S.2 - In-house knowledge of budgetary requirements within At-Large C.S.3 - Improved consultation among the RALOs and their representatives on ALAC C.S.4 - Cost-effective actions C.S.5 - Experience sharing among RALOs C.S.6 - A bottom-up budget structure for At-Large |
C.W - WEAKNESSES C.W.1 - Lack of established feedback loop from ICANN C.W.2 - Communication problems ICANN finance C.W.3 - No possibility of ROI figure - "investing in At Large is like investing in R&D" C.W.4 - ICANN currently only source of funds for At Large C.W.5 - Lack of clear funding schedule/calendar with regards to face to face general assemblies introduces uncertainty C.W.6 - We need to improve our interaction with the staff during the budget planning process. |
C.O - OPPORTUNITIES C.O.1 - ALAC/At-Large could provide information regarding At-Large budgetary needs in a more timely manner and in the required format |
C.T - THREATS C.T.1 - Limiting ALAC's budget could: 1. Directly and severely affect outreach capability 2. Allow for fewer or no face-to-face meetings (including but not limited to GAs, ICANN meetings, Summits, RALO meetings, other "inreach" efforts, etc.) a. Possible consequences could include ALSes' abandoning At-Large, reducing At-Large's usefulness and legitimacy |