LACRALO Candidates Teleconference 2014-02-19
LACRALO Candidates Teleconference 2014-02-19
LACRALO Candidates Introduction and Presentation teleconference
Date: Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Time: 23:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.LAC/MT.0214/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?
Adobe Connect room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/lacralo
Interpretation: EN and ES
Recording: EN and ES
Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN and ES
EN: Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Carlton Samuels
ES: Silvia Herlein, Jose Arce, Carlos Aguirre, Alberto Soto, Aida Noblia, Sergio Salinas Porto, Alejandro Pisantry, Diego Acosta Bastidas, Juan Manuel Rojas, Humberto Carrasco
Dial-outs: Antonio Medina Gomez (ES), Aida Noblia (ES), Alberto Soto (ES)
Candidates for Chair: Alberto Soto, Sergio Salinas Porto
Candidates for Secretary: Humberto Carrasco, Juan Manuel Rojas
Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber
Interpreters: David and Veronica (TBC)
Call management: Gisella Gruber
Bienvenida e Introduccion - José Arce (5min)
1.1 Moderador de la reunion : staff memberIntroduccion - Posicion Presidente ( 20 min)
- Sergio Salinas Porto ( 10 min)
- Alberto Soto ( 10 Min)
2.1 Preguntas - Posicion Presidente ( 20 min total)
Pregunta 1: Alberto/ Sergio
Pregunta 2 : Sergio/ Alberto
Pregunta 3 : Alberto/ Sergio
Introduccion Posicion de Secretaria de LACRALO ( 20 min)
- Humberto Carrasco ( 10 min)
- Juan Manuel Rojas ( 10 min)
3.1 Open to Questions - Secretary position (20 min total)
Pregunta 1: Juan Manuel/ Humberto
Pregunta 2 : Humberto/ Juan Manuel
Pregunta 3: Juan Manuel / Humberto
etc, etc
Siguientes pasos en el proceso de elecciones - José Arce/ Sylvia Herlein ( 5 mim)
Welcome and Introduction - José Arce (5min)
1.1 Meeting Moderator: staff memberIntroduction - Chair position ( 20 min)
- Sergio Salinas Porto ( 10 min)
- Alberto Soto ( 10 Min)
2.1 Open to Questions - Chair position ( 20 min)
question 1:Alberto/ Sergio
question 2: Sergio/ Alberto
question 3: Alberto/ Sergio
Introduction Secretary position ( 20 min)
- Humberto Carrasco ( 10 min)
- Juan Manuel Rojas ( 10 min)
3.1 Open to Questions - Secretary position (20 min)
question 1: Juan Manuel/ Humberto
question 2: Humberto/ Juan Manuel
question 3: Juan Manuel / Humberto
etc, etc
Next Steps in the election process - José Arce/ Sylvia Herlein ( 5 mim)