WT2 Action Items

WT2 Action Items

Reference NumberAction Item DescriptionDate CreatedResponsible PartyResolution/StatusDate Completed
1Develop proposed work plan for WT28 Sept 2016Michael/PhilComplete 
2Investigate how many Specification 13s were signed by .Brands22 Sept 2016StaffComplete - stats available here (478 Spec 13s as of 30 Sept 2016) - https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/program-status/statistics10 Oct 2016
3Consolidate all versions of Module 6, Public Comment received, and redlines6 Oct 2016StaffComplete - table created and available here10 Oct 2016
4Consolidate all Requests for Reconsideration and Independent Review Panel documents from 2012 round6 Oct 2016Staff  
5Create small team to highlight specific aspects of base agreement that do not apply to their TLD type (e.g., .brand, .geo, etc.)6 Oct 2016Michael/PhilPending - Has already reached out to BRG and Sebastien Ducos (Geo TLDs) and will reach out to Verified TLDs and Community TLD Applicant Group (CTAG) 

Pull out the different categories of restrictions that resulted from the Reserved Names recommendations in the 2007 Final Report. Then, try to draw a line from the recommendations to the AGB sections, to the extent that can be done.

20 Oct 2016StaffComplete - Jeff Neuman produced this analysis: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x74w58a9UaTTVulCMmrI45iTiHao6Hf1s8eVeeh5-N0/edit#gid=028 November 2016

Investigate single character IDNs, find experts to provide analysis

28 Nov 2016AllPending - this may result in an inquiry to the SSAC, specifically asking about SAC052. 

Gather list of acronyms related to IANA transition to consider when reviewing ICANN/IANA Reserved Names

28 Nov 2016StaffComplete - names registered as TMs are PTI, publictechnicalidentifiers and publictechnicalidentifier. 

[Tentative] Ask for guidance around letters and digits (and other issues) from the UASG, SSAC, other experts

28 Nov 2016TBD  
10Geographic Names/Country and Territory Names - Establish a sub team/drafting comprised of WG members, but also invite GAC/ccNSO members12 Jan 2017TBDComplete - became WT5 

Ask ICANN 1) has the Emergency Threshold been breached 2) has EBERO been triggered? 3) If someone went above the threshold and EBERO wasn't used, then why?

19 Jan 2017StaffComplete - Staff circulated response from GDD to the WT2 mailing list on 16 February.16 Feb 2017
12Look at the definition of closed generic to present on the next call. There is a definition in Specification 13 and Specification 11.  Categorize the harm and benefits. 2 Mar 2017Staff and Co-ChairsPros/Cons list kicked off by staff on 24 March 2017. 
13Regarding TLD Rollout, have there been people who needed extensions?  Where there TLDs that were terminated. 25 May 2017StaffComplete - document provided on dedicated Wiki page here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/oIOABg6 Jun 2017
14Check whether mandatory PICs are compatible with the new ICANN Bylaws1 Jun 2017StaffComplete -

See: Section 1.1.d.ii of the Bylaws.  Doesn't apply to new contracts or in the process of being signed.  Also: 1.1.d.iv is the provision that says "ICANN shall have the ability to negotiate, enter into and enforce agreements, including public interest commitments, with any party in service of its Mission."

1 Jun 2017
15Regarding the base RA, the applicant should be able to pick which model and contractual provisions apply. Brainstorm about what business models we can foresee27 Jul 2017Jeff Neuman and Paul McGrady


Re: Question 2.2.3 -- We can take that back for feedback on the next call to look into the specifics for this particular RFC 6761 and the list of SUDNs

10 Aug 2017All


Re: Question 2.2.4 -- There should be affirmative outreach to the RPMs PDP on this.  Take this to the leadership team.

10 Aug 2017Co-LeadsComplete

Determine how GDPR might impact ICANN's ability to conduct background checks. 

See if that can or is already an element of the legal opinion it's seeking now.

7 Sep 2015Staff


Regarding background screening, need to determine what types of breaches would warrant action. Maybe reach out to RySG

7 Sep 2015Co-Leads


Regarding background screening, were any applicants disqualified by background screening?

7 Sep 2015Staff


Research to determine how many applications decided to stay exclusive and how many were allowed.

13 Sep 2017Trang


Trang Nguyen: Of the 12 that initially indicated they will operate as exclusive registries, 7 withdrew, 1 obtained a Spec 13 (FOOD), the remaining 4 signed the RA, which includes Spec 11. Spec 11 has a provision that says: "Registry Operator of a “Generic String” TLD may not impose eligibility criteria for registering names in the TLD that limit registrations exclusively to a single person or entity and/or that person’s or entity’s “Affiliates” (as defined in Section 2.9(c) of the Registry Agreement). “Generic String” means a string consisting of a word or term that denominates or describes a general class of goods, services, groups, organizations or things, as opposed to distinguishing a specific brand of goods, services, groups, organizations or things from those of others."

Trang Nguyen: The 4 are .GROCERY, .DVR, .DATA, .PHONE

22Examine how .GROCERY, .DVR, .DATA, .PHONE are being used, all of which signed RA.13 Sep 2017Staff


None of the 4 have the code of conduct exemption. All 4 have essentially the bare minimum of domains under management, two (2).

23Submit additional questions around vertical integration to ICANN Org16 Feb 2018Staff