WT2 Action Items
Reference Number | Action Item Description | Date Created | Responsible Party | Resolution/Status | Date Completed |
1 | Develop proposed work plan for WT2 | 8 Sept 2016 | Michael/Phil | Complete | |
2 | Investigate how many Specification 13s were signed by .Brands | 22 Sept 2016 | Staff | Complete - stats available here (478 Spec 13s as of 30 Sept 2016) - https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/program-status/statistics | 10 Oct 2016 |
3 | Consolidate all versions of Module 6, Public Comment received, and redlines | 6 Oct 2016 | Staff | Complete - table created and available here | 10 Oct 2016 |
4 | Consolidate all Requests for Reconsideration and Independent Review Panel documents from 2012 round | 6 Oct 2016 | Staff | ||
5 | Create small team to highlight specific aspects of base agreement that do not apply to their TLD type (e.g., .brand, .geo, etc.) | 6 Oct 2016 | Michael/Phil | Pending - Has already reached out to BRG and Sebastien Ducos (Geo TLDs) and will reach out to Verified TLDs and Community TLD Applicant Group (CTAG) | |
6 | Pull out the different categories of restrictions that resulted from the Reserved Names recommendations in the 2007 Final Report. Then, try to draw a line from the recommendations to the AGB sections, to the extent that can be done. | 20 Oct 2016 | Staff | Complete - Jeff Neuman produced this analysis: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x74w58a9UaTTVulCMmrI45iTiHao6Hf1s8eVeeh5-N0/edit#gid=0 | 28 November 2016 |
7 | Investigate single character IDNs, find experts to provide analysis | 28 Nov 2016 | All | Pending - this may result in an inquiry to the SSAC, specifically asking about SAC052. | |
8 | Gather list of acronyms related to IANA transition to consider when reviewing ICANN/IANA Reserved Names | 28 Nov 2016 | Staff | Complete - names registered as TMs are PTI, publictechnicalidentifiers and publictechnicalidentifier. | |
9 | [Tentative] Ask for guidance around letters and digits (and other issues) from the UASG, SSAC, other experts | 28 Nov 2016 | TBD | ||
10 | Geographic Names/Country and Territory Names - Establish a sub team/drafting comprised of WG members, but also invite GAC/ccNSO members | 12 Jan 2017 | TBD | Complete - became WT5 | |
11 | Ask ICANN 1) has the Emergency Threshold been breached 2) has EBERO been triggered? 3) If someone went above the threshold and EBERO wasn't used, then why? | 19 Jan 2017 | Staff | Complete - Staff circulated response from GDD to the WT2 mailing list on 16 February. | 16 Feb 2017 |
12 | Look at the definition of closed generic to present on the next call. There is a definition in Specification 13 and Specification 11. Categorize the harm and benefits. | 2 Mar 2017 | Staff and Co-Chairs | Pros/Cons list kicked off by staff on 24 March 2017. | |
13 | Regarding TLD Rollout, have there been people who needed extensions? Where there TLDs that were terminated. | 25 May 2017 | Staff | Complete - document provided on dedicated Wiki page here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/oIOABg | 6 Jun 2017 |
14 | Check whether mandatory PICs are compatible with the new ICANN Bylaws | 1 Jun 2017 | Staff | Complete - See: Section 1.1.d.ii of the Bylaws. Doesn't apply to new contracts or in the process of being signed. Also: 1.1.d.iv is the provision that says "ICANN shall have the ability to negotiate, enter into and enforce agreements, including public interest commitments, with any party in service of its Mission." | 1 Jun 2017 |
15 | Regarding the base RA, the applicant should be able to pick which model and contractual provisions apply. Brainstorm about what business models we can foresee | 27 Jul 2017 | Jeff Neuman and Paul McGrady | ||
16 | Re: Question 2.2.3 -- We can take that back for feedback on the next call to look into the specifics for this particular RFC 6761 and the list of SUDNs | 10 Aug 2017 | All | ||
17 | Re: Question 2.2.4 -- There should be affirmative outreach to the RPMs PDP on this. Take this to the leadership team. | 10 Aug 2017 | Co-Leads | Complete | |
18 | Determine how GDPR might impact ICANN's ability to conduct background checks. See if that can or is already an element of the legal opinion it's seeking now. | 7 Sep 2015 | Staff | ||
19 | Regarding background screening, need to determine what types of breaches would warrant action. Maybe reach out to RySG | 7 Sep 2015 | Co-Leads | ||
20 | Regarding background screening, were any applicants disqualified by background screening? | 7 Sep 2015 | Staff | ||
21 | Research to determine how many applications decided to stay exclusive and how many were allowed. | 13 Sep 2017 | Trang | Complete Trang Nguyen: Of the 12 that initially indicated they will operate as exclusive registries, 7 withdrew, 1 obtained a Spec 13 (FOOD), the remaining 4 signed the RA, which includes Spec 11. Spec 11 has a provision that says: "Registry Operator of a “Generic String” TLD may not impose eligibility criteria for registering names in the TLD that limit registrations exclusively to a single person or entity and/or that person’s or entity’s “Affiliates” (as defined in Section 2.9(c) of the Registry Agreement). “Generic String” means a string consisting of a word or term that denominates or describes a general class of goods, services, groups, organizations or things, as opposed to distinguishing a specific brand of goods, services, groups, organizations or things from those of others." Trang Nguyen: The 4 are .GROCERY, .DVR, .DATA, .PHONE | |
22 | Examine how .GROCERY, .DVR, .DATA, .PHONE are being used, all of which signed RA. | 13 Sep 2017 | Staff | COMPLETE None of the 4 have the code of conduct exemption. All 4 have essentially the bare minimum of domains under management, two (2). | |
23 | Submit additional questions around vertical integration to ICANN Org | 16 Feb 2018 | Staff | ||