WT1 Action Items
WT1 Action Items
Reference Number | Action Item Description | Date Created | Responsible Party | Resolution/Status | Date Completed |
1 | Develop prioritized schedule | 6 Sept 2016 | Sara/Christa | Complete | |
2 | Integrate comments from GDD Summit, previous conversations, etc. into Accreditation section of Google Doc | 21 Sept 2016 | Sara/Christa | Complete | |
3 | Put forward lottery system to the list. | 9 Jan 2017 | Sara/Christa |
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4 | Staff to ask ICANN Legal if there are any new requirements for conducting a prioritization draw in subsequent procedures. Also ask if the nominal fee collected can be done at a different time in the process (e.g., during the collection of the application fee) and if a random number could be assigned during application submission. | 9 Jan 2017 | Staff | In Progress: Initial feedback is that analysis would be needed to ensure that previous guidance is still accurate. Proposed changes would also need to be examined. | |
5 | Circulate request for input on CC2 questions by email. | 1 Mar 2017 | Sara/Christa | Complete | |
6 | See if anyone on ICANN legal staff would see anti-competition concerns if RSP incumbents didn't have to go through testing. | 1 Oct 2017 | Staff | ||
7 | Get a copy of the risk assessment or a sanitized version; 2) ICANN staff to follow up on the risk assessment (or the WG) on how accurate it was, why did it not come to fruition? Hard to know when we don't know how much can be shared. | 20 Nov 2017 | Staff | ||
8 | For Application Fees – Staff to help capture the remarks by Akram Atallah from ICANN on ICANN as a registry of registries and that WT1 Sub Team is addressing them. | 9 Jan 2018 | Staff | Complete | 25 Jan 2018 |
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