Rec 1: SAC107 - CLOSED
Rec 1: SAC107 - CLOSED
SSAC Comment to NIST on Quantum Cryptography Algorithms (R1)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase |
| SSAC Comment to NIST on Quantum Cryptography Algorithms (R1) | SAC107 | CLOSED |
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) submits the following comments in response to the National Institute of Standards (NIST) request for feedback on its post-quantum cryptography second-round candidate algorithms.
Our comments concern the role that new cryptographic algorithms would have in the implementation of DNSSEC. In general, implementing quantum-resistant cryptography in DNSSEC should be straightforward. However, an issue that we foresee, given that there are some architectural size limits in the DNS, is that some of the candidate algorithms may not be supportable in the DNS.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Closed | Phase Change | This Advice Item is now Closed |
| Phase 5 | Phase Update | ICANN understands that this is the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) comments in response to the National Institute of Standards (NIST) request for feedback on its post-quantum cryptography second-round candidate algorithms. There is no action for the ICANN Board. |
| Phase 1 | AP Feedback | The SSAC Admin Committee would like to clarify that SAC107: SSAC Comment to NIST on Quantum Cryptography Algorithms is not part of the ICANN Public Comment process. Instead, it is input to the NIST on its post-quantum cryptography second round candidate algorithms. The SSAC Admin Committee agrees with the second part of the understanding, “there is no action for the ICANN Board, and the item will be considered closed.” |
Phase 1 | Phase Update | The ICANN org understands that this statement is SAC107: SSAC Comment to NIST on Quantum Cryptography Algorithms. As this item is input to the NIST on its post-quantum cryptography second round candidate algorithms, there is no action for the ICANN Board, and the item will be considered closed. Unless there are any additional clarifications to be made to the understanding, we will proceed with closing the case. | |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | ICANN acknowledged receipt of SAC105. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | SSAC published SAC107: SSAC Comment to NIST on Quantum Cryptography Algorithms. Link: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-107-en.pdf. |