LACRALO 19.01.2012 Teleconference
LACRALO January Meeting
Date: Thursday 19 January 2012 Time: 21:00 UTC - 23:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.LAC/MT.0112/1
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¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?
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Please note the new Adobe Connect room to be used from this meeting onwards:
Action Items: EN and ES
Summary Minutes: ES
Interpretation: EN and ES
Recording: EN and ES
Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN and ES
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
A G E N D A (English):
1. Welcome - Roll call- Jose (2 Mins)
2. Action Items - Dev (2 mins)
3. Polices out for public comment ; ICANN Public Comment Forum page - Dev (5 mins)
4. Update on possible LACRALO events in Costa Rica - José (10 mins)
5. LACRALO showcase in Costa Rica - José (10 min)
6. LACRALO proposal for ICANN FY13 - Dev (10 mins)
7. Update on ALAC and At-Large WGs activities - Sergio, Natalia, Dev (15 mins)
8. Any other business - José (5 mins)
A G E N D A (Espanol):
1. Bienvenida - Asistencia Jose (2 Mins)
2. Acciones - Dev (2 mins)
3. Politicas para comentario publico ;Pagina de ICANN de Comentarios Publicos - Dev (5 mins)
4. Posibles eventos LACRALO en Costa Rica - José (10 mins)
5. LACRALO showcase en Costa Rica - José (10 min)
6. LACRALO propuesta para ICANN FY13 - Dev (10 mins)
7. ALAC y Grupos de trabajo de At-Large - Sergio, Natalia, Dev (15 mins)
8. Otros asuntos - José (5 mins)