15 October 2018

15 October 2018


Leadership Members:  Laurin Weissinger, Russ Housley, Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil

ICANN Organization:   Negar Farzinnia, Jennifer Bryce, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies:  Steve Conte


1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates

2. Barcelona - ICANN63

  • a. Agenda for F2F meeting
  • b. Engagement session slides
  • c. Invite note to SO/AC/SG/Cs
  • d. Team dinner

3. SSR1 recommendations

  • a. Doodle poll update
  • b. Google doc & Q&A status

4. Work plan
5. Review Team attendance
6. ICANN64 Kobe
7. AOB
8. Confirm action items / decisions reached

Documents:  PDF


AC Chat:  EN

Action Items:

Action items 

  • Staff to make updates to slides and send new version of slides to leadership based on edits discussed on call.
  • Denise will share the draft workplan on the list for RT feedback, with the aim of finalizing on Sunday morning in Barcelona.
  • Russ to send a note to Kerry-Ann and Boban to ask them if they will facilitate the discussion on workstreams 2 and 4. Eric to facilitate discussion on workstream 3.
  • Staff to book team dinner for 21 October and send a hold note to team
  • Staff to send out invite to SO/AC/SG/C leaders, copy SSR2 leadership
  • Staff to share the draft meeting agenda with SSR2 leadership email list
  • Russ will send a note to the RT as an update to last week's email re: Doodle poll
  • Staff to request 2 day face-to-face meeting and engagement session in Kobe. Staff to send information to the list to confirm.