29 October 2018

29 October 2018


Leadership Members:  Laurin Weissinger, Russ Housley, Denise Michel, Eric Osterweil

ICANN Organization:   Jennifer Bryce, Brenda Brewer

Apologies:  Steve Conte, Negar Farzinnia


  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates 
  2. Barcelona - ICANN63
    1. Any observations or initial feedback you wish to share - leadership
    2. Work items in progress – update from staff
  3. Set agenda for Thursday plenary meeting
  4. AOB
  5. Confirm action items / decisions reached

Documents:  PDF


AC Chat: EN

Action Items:

Staff shared action items from Barcelona f2f with leadership via email for any edits prior to circulating to the team. 

- Russ to send a note to team asking them to Review outward facing topics in the work streams Google doc and items on the sub group wiki page.  

- Russ to ask RT members to review text in the SSR1 recommendations document and flesh out any additional information by end of this week. 

- Staff to provide update to team regarding the Jan/Feb 2019 face-to-face meeting on Thursday's meeting.