26 May 2021 - #51
26 May 2021 - #51
Members: James Galvin, Tom Barrett, Jaap Akkerhuis, John Kristoff, Barry Leiba, Warren Kumari, Ram Mohan, Anne E. Aikman-Scalese, Julie Hammer, Rod Rasmussen
Apologies: Matthew Thomas, Warren Kumari, Ram Mohan, Justine Chew
Observers: None
Staff/Contractor: Matt Larson, Amy Creamer, Steven Kim, Kinga Kowalczyk, Kathy Schnitt, Steve Scheng
Agenda: NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference / 26 May 2021
1. Administrivia/Agenda Bashing
2. Action Item Review
3. Review of the forecast, which is currently in progress.
4. Review of the Board questions drafted by the Technical Writer, Heather Flanagan.
5. AOB
Meeting Notes
Background material (see google doc)
Conclusions/Decisions Made: N/A
New Questions: