27 January 2021 - #39

27 January 2021 - #39


Members:   Matthew Thomas, James Galvin, Justine Chew, Jaap Akkerhuis, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Steve Crocker, Warren Kumari, Jeff Neuman, Greg Shatan, Julie Hammer, Rubens Kuhl, Barry Leiba, Jeff Schmidt, 

Apologies:  Matt Larson 

Observers:  Jothan Frakes

Staff/Contractor: Steve Sheng, Kim Carlson, Kathy Schnitt, Amy Creamer


NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference
27 January 

1. Welcome and roll call
2. Update to SOI
3. .CORP Case Study
4. HOME Case Study
5. Update on Study 2
6. AOB


Name Collision  Analysis of .corp by Matt Thomas

Name Collision Analysis of .home  by Matt Thomas

Recording:  Zoom Playback

Meeting Notes

Meeting Summary of Discussions

Transcript:  EN

Background material (see google doc)

Chat: Chat NCAP 27 Jan.txt

Decisions Made: