6 January 2021 - #36
6 January 2021 - #36
Members: James Galvin, Matt Thomas, Patrik Faltstrom, Berry Leiba, Julie Hammer, Warren Kumari, Steve Crocker, Jaap Akkerhuis, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Jeff Neuman, Rod Rasmussen,
Apologies: Russ Mundy, Justine Chew
Observers: Jim Prendergast, Jothan Frakes
Staff/Contractor: Matt Larson, Amy Creamer, Steve Sheng, Kim Carlson, Kathy Schnitt, Danielle Rutherford
NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference
6 January
- Update on Study 2
- Work items for the discussion group:
- Case studies on CORP, MAIL, HOME and other strings
- Data sensitivity analysis
- Review measurements and data that reflect the current state of the DNS
- Review JAS and Interisle measurements and discuss to what extent do we repeat and modify those measurements on current dat
Documents: State of DNS Today in Name Collision Context Slide Deck by Matt Thomas
Recording: Zoom Playback
Meeting Summary of Discussions
Background material (see google doc)
Decisions Made: N/A