8 December 2021 - #68

8 December 2021 - #68


Members: Matthew Thomas, James Galvin, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Barry Leiba, Julie Hammer, Tom Barrett, Jaap Akkerhuis

Apologies: Rod Rasmussen

Observers: none

Staff/Contractors: Jennifer Bryce, Corina Ferrer, Kathy Schnitt, Steve Sheng, Heather Flanagan, Casey Deccio, Matt Larson


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Update from the Technical Investigator – Casey Deccio
  3. Current status of the NCAP project – Jennifer Bryce
  4. Data sensitivity analysis initial presentation – Matt Thomas
  5. AOB

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/fmSaNjmbDjXRkuhip7uDkLfib-RBtjpeoShb27F-t5G2O6MgBuk5I4UMfFrwUMko.NaFqo0aRNpqPa9sj?startTime=1638990246000.

Meeting Notes

  1. No updates re: SOI from group
  2. Casey – quick update on initial analysis re: Root Cause Analysis; not much to report however will have something more in the coming weeks. 
  3. Jennifer – no changes made to Casey’s plan, will review in early March; reviewed with DG timeline/workflow of scheduled goals and deadlines with respect to the Study Work Plan
  4. Heather has confirmed with Matt that the Data Sensitivity Analysis document will be reviewed next week
  5. Matthew Thomas reviewed slides from presentation noted as Data Sensitivity Analysis Part 2 – Recursive Resolver Data

Meeting Notes: PDF


Work Plan (Excel sheet)

PDF - Data Sensitivity Analysis Part 2