IOT Meeting #25 (11 July 2017 @ 19:00 UTC)
Attendees: Anna Loup, Avri Doria, David McAuley, Kate Wallace, Kavouss Arasteh, Liz Le
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
- Meeting cancelled due to low attendance. No transcript will be available. See Raw Caption notes below.
mp3 Replay: N/A
- Admin/Attendance/SOI;
- Status of sign-up sheet[];
- Status/Update of ICANN Legal/Policy teams with respect to SO/AC education re: IRP roles and charting out process timeframe;
- CEP process – introduction of Anna Loup;
- Pending Second Reading – joinder issues (David McAuley, lead – see related email and discussion at June 12 meeting[]);
- Second Reading – retroactivity issues (David McAuley, lead – see related email);
- Further discussion – “Ongoing monitoring” comment (Avri Doria, lead) – this will also address a continuing discussion of the process after we conclude this phase.;
- Discussion/First Reading – Challenges to consensus policy (David McAuley, lead – see related email – we have discussed but not confirmed first reading);
- AOB.
Raw Caption Notes*
*Note that these are the unofficial transcript. Official transcript will be posted 2-3 days after the call
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (7/11/2017 13:16) Good day and welcome to IRP-IOT Meeting #25 on 11 July 2017 @ 19:00 UTC!
Brenda Brewer: (13:17) If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6). This call is recorded.
Brenda Brewer: (13:17) Reminder to all, please speak slowly and state your name before speaking for the Captioner. Thank you!
David McAuley: (13:58) dialing in
David McAuley: (13:58) Brenda, as usual I am 4154
David McAuley: (13:58) woops - you caught already, thanks
Brenda Brewer: (13:58) Kavouss, dialing out to you know...seems to be no answer
David McAuley: (13:59) I will speak up at top of the hour but suspect we may need an additional 2 minutes after that to get started
Brenda Brewer: (14:01) Kavouss, second dial out attempt in progress now.
David McAuley: (14:02) I plan to wait until five past the hour in attempt to have quorum of five participants
David McAuley: (14:04) If we don't reach quorum by five past I will make a few procedural comments and will ask for recording to start but we will wrap it up as non-quorum
David McAuley: (14:05) sound fuine
David McAuley: (14:05) fine
Bernard Turcotte: (14:05) 5 after
Jamie- CART Support: (14:05) can you confirm you can see the captioning?
Anna Loup: (14:05) Confirmed
Brenda Brewer: (14:06) Yes, we see captioning. Thank you!
Jamie- CART Support: (14:06) thank you!
Anna Loup: (14:09) No worries and thanks all! take care!
Bernard Turcotte 2: (14:09) thanks - bye all
avri doria: (14:09) bye