IOT Meeting #19 (27 April 2017 @ 19:00 UTC)

IOT Meeting #19 (27 April 2017 @ 19:00 UTC)


Sub-group Members:   Avri Doria, David McAuley, Kate Wallace, Kavouss Arasteh, Malcolm Hutty, Robin Gross, Samantha Eisner   (7)

Staff:  Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer   (2)


** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **




1.       Admin/SOI;

2.       Reminder of working collegiality;

3.       Status of timing issue and plan for conclusion (see note (1) below);

4.       Furthering help for SOs/ACs on establishing Standing Panel (see note (2) below);

5.       Joinder Issue (see note (3) below);

6.       Challenges to consensus policy issue (see note (4) below);

7.       Segmenting certain issues (see note (5) below); 

8.       Remaining work plan

Raw Captioning Notes

Please note that these are the unofficial transcript. Official transcript will be posted 2-3 days after the call

Documents Presented


  • Group will wait for impact analysis from ICANN Legal on Repose (due within two weeks) with the objective of coming to a consensus decision on the meeting following the receipt of this analysis.

Action Items

  • SE – to provide impact analysis to IOT within two weeks.
  • SE – Provide final EOI and expected timeline prior to releasing.
  • DM – Post new proposal on Joinder issue to the list.
  • DM – will be using the proposed template to move a number of issues for closure on the list.

Chat Transcript

  Brenda Brewer:Good day and welcome to IOT-IRP Meeting #19 on 27 April 2017 @ 19:00 UTC!

  Brenda Brewer:If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6).  To unmute press *6.  Thank you!

  Kavouss Arasteh:Dear David,

  Kavouss Arasteh:If the number of participants are less or equal to 5 ,except the Chair, we must canvel the meeting after administrativa

  Kavouss Arasteh:There is one Kavouss Arasteh  and not 2

  David McAuley (RySG):I am 4154

  Kavouss Arasteh:Who is xxxx4154? PLS

  David McAuley (RySG):that is me

  David McAuley (RySG):I hop[e we don't cancel Kavouss but take your point


  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:hello all

  David McAuley (RySG):Hi Sam, waiting a couple of min for folks to arrive I hope

  avri doria:i am double booked for this hour, so am half here.

  David McAuley (RySG):that counts Avri, thanks

  Kavouss Arasteh:Icann staff should not be countedi

  Malcolm Hutty:Avri, haven't seen you here before, are you part of this group?

  avri doria:yes, i am Malcom, sorry must have been too quiet of late.

  avri doria:or were you suggesting i did not belong here.  this is the IOT isn't it?

  Kavouss Arasteh:David ,we are not more than 5

  avri doria:Malcom, to make sure i just checked the membership page and i listed as #15

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Kavouss expectation at least 5 at 5 after

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:and we are 6

  Malcolm Hutty:Glad to have you here.

  avri doria:please forgive the mispelling of your name

  avri doria:would charging for late clains consistent witht he approach defined in the bylaws?

  David McAuley (RySG):I think so Avri but we would ned to explore

  Malcolm Hutty:That would be a matter of judgment/opinion. In my view, no, because it undermines the purpose which is that people bring and resolve their disputes. But this is a matter of opinion, rather different from the bare issue of repose, which Sidley advise (and I agree) is clearly inconsistent with bylaws

  Samantha Eisner:Just to note, ICANN has already provided its position that there is nothing in the Bylaws that is inconsistent with or bars consideration of repose.

  Samantha Eisner:We recognize, though, that is not the end of the conversation

  David McAuley (RySG):agreed Sam but your further thoughts 'proposal' would be welcome

  Samantha Eisner:Yes, understood

  Samantha Eisner:Understood, David.  We'll work more quickly

  Kavouss Arasteh:David, pls kindly repeat what Sam said

  Samantha Eisner:Thanks David

  Samantha Eisner:David, are we clear on the EOI from the IOT standpoint?

  Samantha Eisner:yes

  Kavouss Arasteh:Yes .I agree and thank you and Sam

  Kavouss Arasteh:Very good and thanks Sam

  David McAuley (RySG):I believe the IOT has finished with comments on EOI and will mention it on this call

  Kavouss Arasteh:Sam' s Suggestion seems to be good as it helps some , if not all, SO and AC

  Samantha Eisner:Great point, Bernie

  Samantha Eisner:@Bernie, we've already tried to kick off that work with policy


  Kavouss Arasteh:Sorry for Cap

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:time Check - 25 minutes left in call

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Sam thanks this is my point

  Kavouss Arasteh:Dacvid

  Kavouss Arasteh:What do you mean by potential harm

  Samantha Eisner:Agree that Amicus is different.  I would assume that an Amicus would not have all rights of other parties

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Time check - 10 minutes left to the top of the hour - however we do have an extra 30 minutes if we want to use it

  Samantha Eisner:It would have to be the Board's acceptance of the policy

  Samantha Eisner:or ICANN implementation of that policy

  Samantha Eisner:Agree, David.  There has to be some tether to ICANN Board or staff action

  Samantha Eisner:+1 Malcolm

  Samantha Eisner::)

  Kavouss Arasteh:David+1

  Samantha Eisner:The appeal is also part of the Bylaws

  Samantha Eisner:Section 4.3(w)

  Samantha Eisner:Requiring teh IRP provider's invoice dates might not be something that the IOT could implement without agreement from the IRP provider

  Samantha Eisner:"materially affected" is also in the Bylaws

  Kavouss Arasteh:Sam +1

  Samantha Eisner:There are emergency practice standards that the arbtral panel has in place outside of our Bylaws or these rules

  Samantha Eisner:Also see the definition put in at 4.3p on interim/emergency relief

  Brenda Brewer:4 May @ 19:00 UTC

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all

  avri doria:yeah that is one i see. brief calls like this one? bye all

  Brenda Brewer:Thank you all for joining today's meeting!