IOT Meeting #26 (27 July 2017 @ 19:00 UTC)
Sub-group Members: Anna Loup, Avri Doria, David McAuley, Greg Shatan, Liz Le, Robin Gross, Samantha Eisner
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Kavouss Arasteh
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
- Admin/Attendance/SOI;
- Status of sign-up sheet
- Status/Update of ICANN Legal/Policy teams with respect to SO/AC education re: IRP roles and charting out process timeframe;
- CEP process and status update – introduction of Anna Loup;
- Joinder issues (David McAuley, lead – see latest email/summary/proposal (forwarded below));
- Second Reading - retroactivity issues (David McAuley, lead – see related email);
- Further discussion – “Ongoing monitoring” comment (Avri Doria, lead) – this will also address a continuing discussion of the process after we conclude this phase.;
- Discussion/First Reading – Challenges to consensus policy (David McAuley, lead – see related email – we have discussed but not confirmed first reading);
- AOB.
Raw Caption Notes*
Disclaimer: This rough edit transcript, which may contain missing, misspelled or paraphrased words, is only provided for your immediate review and is not certified as verbatim and is not to be cited in any way.
- Retroactivity – Second reading complete and accepted with no objections.
- Challenging consensus policy – this will be treated like joinder and will ask the list to work on this.
- Potential meeting for 3 August is cancelled. Next meeting will be Thursday 17 August 1900.
Action Items:
- SE – Joinder document (21 July from DM) – Points 8, 9 and 10, ICANN Legal will provide input to the group on these comments.
- DM – Post to the list on Challenging Consensus Policy as per discussion at this meeting.
- Staff – Arrange for 90 minute call on 17 August 1900UTC.
Documents Presented
- IOT-PC1-AnalysisSignupSheet_Sheet1
- Process Roadmap re Establishment of IRP-v3
- David’s Email to IRP
- Joinder email_DM_12 June
- David M email from 9 May
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (7/27/2017 13:41) Good day and welcome to IRP-IOT Meeting # 27 on 27 July 2017 @ 19:00 UTC!
Brenda Brewer: (13:41) If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6). This call is recorded.
Brenda Brewer: (13:41) Reminder to all, please speak slowly and state your name before speaking for the Captioner. Thank you!
Jamie-CART Support: (13:45) Hi, can you make me a host?
Brenda Brewer: (13:55) Jamie, what are you typing? the meeting has not started
Marie Fresch: (13:57) It was for me too. I don't know what happened, but we're good now
Anna Loup: (13:57) Hello all!
Brenda Brewer: (13:58) Hi Anna!
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (13:58) Hello and welcome Anna
Marie Fresch: (13:58) Who will be our main speaker today?
David McAuley: (13:58) dialing in as 4154
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (13:58) David
Marie Fresch: (13:58) Thank you
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (13:59) I will be the main listener
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (13:59) ;-)
David McAuley: (13:59) Hi folks - I will speak up at top of hour - probably hold off till 3 after
Anna Loup: (13:59) Works for me!
avri doria: (14:00) i apologize for divided attention, am attending two call.s will mostly follow the captioning.
avri doria: (14:00) so i may only could as 1/2 in th 5x5 count
avri doria: (14:01) ... only cunt ...
avri doria: (14:01) count - geeze
David McAuley: (14:01) Hello sam and Liz
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:01) Avri geez - even half of you is a lot
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:01) in a good way
David McAuley: (14:01) Hi Robin, I will start shortly
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:01) so we have our five
avri doria: (14:01) hmm
David McAuley: (14:02) a couple of moments for others to gather
Greg Shatan: (14:05) Glad to see we have our 5x5.
Brenda Brewer: (14:05) everyone may scroll document
Greg Shatan: (14:05) Interesting chat so far....
Samantha Eisner: (14:17) Volunteer for which part, David?
David McAuley: (14:20) to help educate SOs/ACs
David McAuley: (14:20) or help them organize themselves
Samantha Eisner: (14:24) It might not be recording
Samantha Eisner: (14:24) but some method of providing a record of the interviews
Greg Shatan: (14:30) "RT members"
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:36) Time Check - 24 minutes left in call
David McAuley: (14:36) 90 min call Bernie, no?
David McAuley: (14:36) up to 90
Robin Gross: (14:37) I've got another call at the top of the hour, so will have to drop off then.
David McAuley: (14:37) great, thanks Sam
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:37) Oops sorry David - old habits
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:38) Time check - 52 minutes left in call
Robin Gross: (14:41) Welcome, Anna. Thanks for your work on this!
Anna Loup: (14:42) Thanks Robin! Happy to help
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (14:42) Not too quick for the captionner
Greg Shatan: (14:44) Welcome Anna!
Greg Shatan: (14:45) Diet of Worms?
David McAuley: (14:45) ops was reading fast
David McAuley: (14:45) oops
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (15:01) time check - 29 minutes left in call
Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (15:12) Time Check - 18 minutes left in call
avri doria: (15:13) after jun 18 we would need to hold bake sales to fund accountabilty work.
avri doria: (15:14) i will probably miss it.
Anna Loup: (15:16) Thank you David! If anyone has any questions for me I am happy to help
avri doria: (15:16) bye
Anna Loup: (15:16) take care all!