Zoom chat: 2023-02-01 At-Large Social Media Working Group Call
17:37:25 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome to At-Large Social Media Working Group Call taking place on Wednesday, 01 February 2023 at 15:00 UTC.
17:37:38 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/bt7wBQ
17:52:27 From Denise Hochbaum to Everyone:
Hello Everyone!
17:52:41 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Hi Denise, welcome!
17:56:27 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
Hello everyone greetins from colombia
17:56:37 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Hi Lilian, welcome
17:56:44 From Denise Hochbaum to Everyone:
Lilian, please don’t give up me! I will deliver the video today!
17:57:08 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
jejeje my dear Denisse ok no problema!
17:58:13 From Denise Hochbaum to Everyone:
My voice returned but I am not still 100%. Sorry!
18:00:08 From betty FAUSTA to Everyone:
waiting for adigo #1838FR
18:01:28 From Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org to Everyone:
@Betty we do not have FR for the call today
18:01:42 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Betty - unfortunately we don’t have FR interpretation for this call
18:01:58 From betty FAUSTA to Everyone:
ok. so i will be concentrate. and waiting for the beginning
18:03:15 From Alfredo Calderon to Everyone:
Hello @Betty. Good to see you on the call.
18:03:45 From Priyatosh Jana to Everyone:
hi everyone....
18:05:45 From betty FAUSTA to Everyone:
Hi Alfredo, really happy to be on board. Exceptionnal people around : LiLian, Natalia, Yesim, Gisella, Priyatosh, Sebastien,
18:06:13 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
Hello all
18:06:19 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
Thanks a lot for your presence
18:06:46 From Priyatosh Jana to Everyone:
thanks @betty
18:14:45 From Shah Rahman to Everyone:
my apologies for being late
18:16:17 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
@ Lilian
Sorry I was not aware of the 20 seconds
Do you want me to redo it?
18:17:17 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
Don't worry Sebastien is ok
18:19:58 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Time at 12:00 UTC
18:21:11 From Denise Hochbaum to Everyone:
Yes! It is very clear!
18:21:15 From Shah Rahman to Everyone:
all looks good
18:24:12 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
At least #AtLarge76
18:26:38 From betty FAUSTA to Everyone:
why only Twitter ? What about LinkedIn or Instagram ?
18:27:15 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
please re call
18:36:54 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Rather than a photo frame, we might have several At-Large Items that they can include in a selfie. This could be crated from an image of the At-Large logo on a stick that they could hold up. (Like you see at a photo booth)
18:37:49 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
+1 @Heidi
18:38:04 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Please note that At-Large will only be ‘managing’ the booth for one hour per day Monday through Wednesday.
18:38:17 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
I like the idea of a theme for each day, though
18:38:55 From betty FAUSTA to Everyone:
+1 for each day is coloured with a main activity*
18:39:12 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Perhaps we could have a ‘fast pitch’ for Policy issues on one day and also one for LACRALO - given the GA is there.
18:39:24 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
We can do the photo frames and world map all three days
18:39:40 From betty FAUSTA to Everyone:
can i share a proposals ?
18:40:05 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
Exactly Heidi!
18:40:24 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
agree heidi
18:40:37 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
yes betty
18:41:18 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
fantastic Heidi!
18:41:24 From Denise Hochbaum to Everyone:
@Heidi , very good suggestions !
18:41:30 From betty FAUSTA to Everyone:
good suggestion
18:41:46 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
Great ideas all
18:41:56 From Shah Rahman to Everyone:
good idea @Heidi
18:43:07 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
re cal!!
18:51:42 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone:
of course Sebastien thanks a lot!
18:51:52 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
Excuse me, I have to leave now, I will catchup with the recording. Thank you all.
18:52:34 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Thanks Lilian
18:55:37 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
Thank you Lilian and all
18:55:42 From Hadia’s iPhone to Everyone:
Bye for today
18:56:05 From Shah Rahman to Everyone:
Thank you Lilian , and all.
18:56:09 From Denise Hochbaum to Everyone:
Thank you Lilian. A lot good things were highlighted !
18:56:10 From Lilian Deluque to Everyone: