CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.1.29 - Adobe Chat
Michele Neylon:hi
Michele Neylon:is that PDF more than one page or is that it?
Hago Dafalla:hi all
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Can you scroll through it?
Michele Neylon:no
Michele Neylon:thence the question :)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and now?
Michele Neylon:grand now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I never know how the "sync" button has to be. Dark or light. Hence the question
Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone
Ken Stubbs:we are getting an echo. people need to mute their mics
Marília Maciel:Hi all, Pranesh is trying to join, he is asking for the conference number
Renate De Wulf:conference ID 21612
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Marília Maciel:Thank you
Marília Maciel:Sorry, do you have the link for the wiki page for easy reference?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Marília Maciel:Perfect, thank you
Leon Sanchez:I see a black screen
Kiran Malancharuvil:It's very small
Michele Neylon:or you could simply increase the size on your end olivier
Michele Neylon:yes
Michele Neylon:is it CCWG or CWG?
Bladel:"Cross-" seems redundant
Michele Neylon:It was CCWG
Michele Neylon:TBH I don't care
Michele Neylon:just as long as it's consistent
Keith Drazek, RySG:CCWG
Leon Sanchez:I think it's better CCWG
Michele Neylon:obvious question - has anyone defined what "ICANN" means?
Michele Neylon:ie. is it ICANN staff?
Michele Neylon:ICANN the corporation?
Michele Neylon:or ICANN the Community?
Bladel:Good question, Michele.
Michele Neylon:there's a very BIG question
Bladel:Because they don't appear to be working at the same pace
Hector Manoff:ICANN is a corporation
Michele Neylon:it's all three
Michele Neylon:unlike RIPE which has clear differences
Filiz Yilmaz:ICANN is the organization for me too. "ICANN Community" is the "ICANN Community"
Keith Drazek, RySG:+1 Filiz
Michele Neylon:put another way - do we want it to be a case of giving ICANN staff leeway to do things?
Filiz Yilmaz:and it can contain Staff too, in various context
Michele Neylon:and by "leeway" I mean - probably too much leeway
Michele Neylon:we _need_ to specify and be very clear
Michele Neylon:ICANN Staff should, in this context, be providing support to the Community
Keith Drazek, RySG:Recommendations from the CCWG would presumably feed into the ICANN community process and inform the ICANN staff and Board regarding the community views/perspectives on matters related to Internet Governance.
Marilyn Cade - CSG:apologies to be late. I want to ask us to make sure that th Monday session is coordinated by CCWG/90 min/preceded by first our WG on a call ahead of time
Marilyn Cade - CSG:I am listening to Ken and seeing some consistency.
Michele Neylon:+1 Marilyn
Michele Neylon:and big NO to 7am meetings
Keith Drazek, RySG:If it hasn't already been suggested, pr perhaps agreeing with Marilyn, I'm going to recommend we ask ICANN to re-purpose the SO/AC Leaders/High Level meeting on Monday morning so the CCWG-IG can have a dedicated session.
Michele Neylon:+1 Keith
Ken Stubbs:+1 keith..thats hopefully what my suggestion would accomplish
Hector Manoff:ICANN is an Institution? a movement?
Keith Drazek, RySG:a platform? a dialogue?
Marilyn Cade - CSG:ICANN is 'us'
Marilyn Cade - CSG:!NET is a movement.
Marilyn Cade - CSG:sorry. 1NET
Keith Drazek, RySG:Whenever we mention the "Multi-Stakeholder Model" we should strongly consider using "Bottom-Up Consensus-Based Multistakeholder Model"
Hector Manoff:I was researching simmilar international entities to see how define itself. The Red Cross for instance is considered a movement
Marilyn Cade - CSG:Monday is the only realistic opportunity to interact with community.
Ken Stubbs:my concern is that our work may end up being buried..
Leon Sanchez:+1 Ken
Ken Stubbs:+1 marilyn
sally costerton:I can update on the way in which input can be given to the Brazil meeting
Ken Stubbs:please let sally chime in ..
Michele Neylon:Marilyn - that's why I thought it needed to be clear
Michele Neylon:or clarified
Marilyn Cade - CSG:To me, ICANN is the bottomup community, supported by staff and board, but all others: staff, CEO, Board come and go, the community does not...
Michele Neylon:Marilyn - yes
Michele Neylon:but we've had issues in the recent past with this :)
Filiz Yilmaz:I tend to disagree. One can sue ICANN (the org), but you cannot sue community. I am happy to use ICANN Community when we mean the community instead of the organization. Especially when we need clarificaiton.
Michele Neylon:Filiz - that's a very valid point
Marilyn Cade - CSG:ICANN: community members /but inclusive of those who work for our organization, of course.
Marilyn Cade - CSG:We have a bigger challenge: how do we contribute to support and guidance on IG activities.
Marília Maciel:Regarding the Br meeting: I made a report of the first meeting of the executive committee. I am there as one of CS representatives. The report was sent to the CCWG list by Bill. It explains participation, inputs, etc the the Brazilian meeting as the understanding is at this point. Just wanted to raise attention to that.
Hector Manoff:Evenwhen we call ICANN a community we should define what kind of communitywe are. Sometomes the schools use the expresion community to broaden the scope but this is a school community
Keith Drazek, RySG:Let's circle back to Sally so she can explain input to the Brazil Meeting (as she offered).
Michele Neylon:+1 Keith
Marilyn Cade - CSG:Community driven is the challenge, I think. Not Staff driven.
Michele Neylon:It would be helpful to get something from ICANN staff on input in writing
Keith Drazek, RySG:The CCWG-IG must be the mechanism by which the community takes back the initiative and leadership on policy-making around Internet Governance.
Keith Drazek, RySG:As Marilyn said, decisions on Internet Governance must be community-driven in a bottom-up manner, not Staff or Board driven in a top-down manner.
Keith Drazek, RySG:the latter
Keith Drazek, RySG:yes
Ken Stubbs:+1 for keith's comments here
Marilyn Cade - CSG:How do we make that a key part of the Charter, then? in the meantime, major staff activities, and other meetings are occuring. FIRST, can we confirm that Monday/AT ICANN is a f-f with the full community ?
Marilyn Cade - CSG:any other f-f with us'isms - good, but we all have commmitments to our own communities,
Keith Drazek, RySG:Everyone please mute your phones if not speaking.
Michele Neylon:I've posted a couple of quick notes to the list
Michele Neylon:and yes - people - learn to mute your phones :)
Evan Leibovitch:muted.
Leon Sanchez:there is some kind of "scratch" noise in the line. Is it just me hearing it?
Kristina Rosette:Apologies for being so late. I had a 2 PM call (EST) run VERY long.
Keith Drazek, RySG:@Leon no you're not the only one.....
Marilyn Cade - CSG:I am not sure that the BC members on this call
Leon Sanchez:thanks Keith
Marilyn Cade - CSG:I will ask BC about contributions to a paper/positions into Brazil.
Marilyn Cade - CSG:BUT, I am wondering if we are focusing on Brazil, which was my point. Is this ICANN, or Brazil prep meemeeting?
Marília Maciel:Ok, perfect
Keith Drazek, RySG:i didn't realize my mike opened when i raised my hand
Keith Drazek, RySG:apologies
Marilyn Cade - CSG:But, can we limit participants to singular participa
Marilyn Cade - CSG:sorry, meaning if w all identify ourselves.
Marília Maciel:ok
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Marilyn: this WG is likely to have several tasks coming up. Brazil is probably the first one of these many tasks
Michele Neylon:so what's the total capacity for the meeting?
Michele Neylon:I heard 700 and 1000?
Marília Maciel:It is written down in the report
Keith Drazek, RySG:I heard 700 yesterday.
Hago Dafalla:is meeting open for all
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Marília Maciel:Yes, important point. Remote will be provided
Marília Maciel:webcast and inputs too
Keith Drazek, RySG:@ Marilyn -- no argument from me. Brazil is one stop and the "next" stop.
Michele Neylon:+1 to Keith's suggestion
Petya Minkova:Here is the 3rd doodle for exact timing of Singapore meeting:
Kristina Rosette:Support Keith's suggestion.
Michele Neylon:Petya - the schedule hasn't been published yet, though, has it?
Petya Minkova:@Michele: not that I know
Evan Leibovitch:sorry, need to drop from the call.
Evan Leibovitch:will keep the chat open
Kristina Rosette::-), Michele
Keith Drazek, RySG:+1 Michele
Michele Neylon:ah fair enough
Michele Neylon:Marilyn - he's just asking if anyone disagrees with our proposal
Keith Drazek, RySG:Thanks Olivier, thanks all.
Leon Sanchez:Thanks everyone
Filiz Yilmaz:Thank you Olivier. Bye everyone
Fatima Cambronero:thanks, bye