14 April 2021 - #47

14 April 2021 - #47


Members: James Galvin, Matthew Thomas, Patrik Faltstrom, Julie Hammer, Steve Crocker, Jaap Akkerhuis, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Jeff Neuman, Merike Kaeo, Russ Mundy, John Kristoff, Justine Chew, Jaap Akkerhuis, Tom Barrett, Barry Leiba, Greg Shatan, Warren Kumari, Jothan Frakes  

Apologies: Steve Crocker and Rod Rasmussen

Observers: Jim Prendergast

Staff/Contractor: Matt Larson, Steve Sheng, Amy Creamer, Kinga Kowalczyk, Heather Flanagan, Kathy Schnitt

Agenda:   NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference / 7 April 2021

  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. ICANN Board’s questions regarding name collisions: ICANN Board's Questions Regarding Name Collision
  3. AOB

Recording: Zoom Playback

Meeting Notes

Background material (see google doc): Board Questions working documents


Conclusions/Decisions Made:  None

New Questions: 

During Board Question #2 Discussion:

  • What is the role of the addition of applications incorporating stub resolvers directly rather than depending on recursive/iterative resolvers

During Board Question #3 Discussion

  • signaling interruption (how will apps and/or program logic change)
  • are there harms that can be prevented through contracted relationships (i.e., ICANN contracted parties)?
  • Are we giving people incentive to work around the concept of one authoritative root?